
单词 异想天开
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Laputan〕Absurdly impractical or visionary, especially to the neglect of more useful activity.异想天开的:极端不切实际的或异想天开的,特别是指否定更有用的行为的美国传统〔bee〕He has a new bee that he'd like to be an actor.他又异想天开要当演员了。英汉大词典〔befuddle〕These fancy arguments befuddled us.这些异想天开的论据令我们迷惑不解。21世纪英汉〔bonkers〕The whole idea is just plain bonkers.整个想法简直是异想天开牛津搭配〔chimerical〕Created by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination; highly improbable.大胆虚构或异想天开的;非常不可能的美国传统〔erotically〕It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all.这听起来可能像是异想天开,但是绝对不是什么性体验。柯林斯高阶〔fanciful〕Designing silicon chips to mimic human organs sounds fanciful.设计硅芯片模仿人的器官听上去是异想天开柯林斯高阶〔fantastic〕They spun fantastic plans for a new world of music.她们编造了一套异想天开的音乐新世界计划。外研社新世纪〔flight of fancy〕He was talking about cycling across the US or was that just another flight of fancy? 他正在谈论骑自行车横穿美国,这又是一次异想天开吗?剑桥高阶〔flight〕A flight of fancy perhaps, but it's ideas like this that lead to change.这样的想法或许是异想天开, 但正是它们导致了变革。外研社新世纪〔fool's gold〕The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.这家英国机构似乎又开始了新一轮异想天开的赚钱大计。外研社新世纪〔fool's gold〕Was the bold dream of independence for Rutland just fool's gold?拉特兰大胆的独立梦想会不会只是异想天开呢?外研社新世纪〔iconoclastic〕Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground?希望此类有悖传统的观念会逐渐被人们接受, 是不是异想天开外研社新世纪〔indulge〕It's part of her agent's job to indulge her whims.她的经纪人工作的一部分就是迁就她的异想天开麦克米伦高阶〔indulge〕James indulged all her whims.詹姆斯迁就她所有异想天开的念头。外研社新世纪〔laugh〕We laughed at his fancy.我们笑他异想天开英汉大词典〔moon〕There's no point in crying for the moon.异想天开是没有用的。朗文当代〔moon〕We need not hope for lower taxes in the future — that would be crying for the moon.我们不必希望将来会减税,那是异想天开英汉大词典〔people〕Dreams peopled his idle hours.他空闲的时候就异想天开英汉大词典〔pie〕This talk of moving to Australia is all just pie in the sky.移居澳大利亚之说纯属异想天开牛津高阶〔quixotic〕This is a vast, exciting and some say quixotic project.这是一个宏大而激动人心的、甚至有人认为是异想天开的项目。剑桥高阶〔stretch〕It could by no stretch of the imagination be seen as a victory.无论怎样异想天开也不能把这事看作是一次胜利。 英汉大词典〔stretch〕It's not a great work of cinema by any stretch of the imagination.无论怎么异想天开这也不是一部伟大的电影作品。麦克米伦高阶〔temperament〕She's a dreamer and a romantic by temperament.她生性异想天开,浪漫多情。牛津高阶〔vapor〕A fantastic or foolish idea.幻想,妄想:异想天开的或愚蠢的想法美国传统〔viewy〕Exhibiting extravagant or visionary opinions.空想的:表现不切实际的或者异想天开的观点的美国传统〔whimsicality〕A whimsical idea or its expression; a caprice.怪念头:异想天开的念头或表述;怪念头美国传统〔whimsicality〕The quality or state of being whimsical.异想天开的、心血来潮等的状态美国传统〔whimsical〕His graphic art became slighter and more whimsical.他的平面艺术变得越来越无足轻重,越来越异想天开柯林斯高阶〔whimsical〕McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor, his whimsical side.麦格拉思记得他非同寻常的幽默感, 他异想天开的一面。外研社新世纪〔woolgathering〕Indulgence in fanciful daydreams.异想天开:放任于稀奇的白日梦美国传统〔woolgathering〕Indulging in fanciful daydreams.异想天开的:放任于稀奇的白日梦的美国传统Alexander always thinks big. 亚历山大总是异想天开译典通By no stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist.任凭如何异想天开,他也不能被严肃地形容为艺术家。剑桥国际Each machine was a bizarre mixture of Heath-Robinson-style rubber pulleys, wheels and moving parts.每台机械装置都异乎寻常,它是异想天开的橡皮滑轮、轮子和移动部件的奇怪组合。剑桥国际It was sheer lunacy for him to think they would agree to his proposals.他认为他们会同意他的建议,那完全是异想天开剑桥国际No one in his right senses would believe such a fantastic story. 任何有理性的人都不会相信这样异想天开的故事。译典通She did it out of mere freak. 她做这事完全是一时异想天开译典通She's a member of a group that promotes cranky ideas about food and exercise.她是一个对食物和锻炼倡导异想天开想法的团体的成员。剑桥国际

