
单词 并不需要
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕It's easy to get carried away and buy a lot of things that you don't need. 很容易忘乎所以,买下一大堆并不需要的东西。朗文写作活用〔beguile〕The salesman beguiled him into buying a car he didn't want.推销员哄骗他买下了一辆他并不需要的汽车。剑桥高阶〔better〕We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better.实际上我们星期二并不需要它,但如果那时能到就更好。牛津高阶〔brainwash〕Commercials brainwash consumers into buying things they don't need.广告宣传能给消费者洗脑,使他们购买并不需要的东西。朗文当代〔decode〕You don't need a Ph.D to decode their work, but they do try to challenge audiences with unconventional material.解读他们的作品并不需要有博士学位,但他们的确在尝试用一些非传统素材来挑战观众的接受度。柯林斯高阶〔fittingly〕She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn't need.她吃完午饭后去购物,试穿了一些她并不需要的衣服。柯林斯高阶〔fortune〕You don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals.让家里人吃味道好又健康的餐食并不需要花许多钱。牛津高阶〔get at〕The job won't take long to do when we once get at it.一旦我们动手工作,并不需要花费太长的时间。21世纪英汉〔jolly〕Do you get your jollies from wasting money on things you don't need? 你在自己并不需要的东西上面浪费钱,真的觉得痛快吗?麦克米伦高阶〔mischievously〕That does not require 'massive' military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.那并不需要像某些不怀好意者所主张的那样进行“大规模的”军事干预。柯林斯高阶〔moral〕It is not part of a novelist's job to make a moral judgment.小说家并不需要作道德上的评判。剑桥高阶〔need〕You don't really need a car.你其实并不需要一辆车。朗文当代〔panic〕Shoppers are panicked into buying things they don't need.购物者们因恐慌抢购一些他们并不需要的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔perception〕It did not require a great deal of perception to realise the interview was over.并不需要多少洞察力也能意识到面试已经结束了。柯林斯高阶〔perception〕It did not require a great deal of perception to realise the interview was over.并不需要多少眼力也能意识到面试已经没戏了。外研社新世纪〔require〕This isn't the kind of crisis that requires us to drop everything else.这样的危机并不需要我们抛弃其他的一切。柯林斯高阶〔same〕I realise that he hasn't come up with any new ideas, but by the same token we haven't needed any.我知道他没有想出什么新的点子,不过我们也并不需要朗文当代〔sober〕On sober reflection(= after some serious thought), I don't think I really need a car after all.冷静地想了想以后,我觉得我其实并不需要车。牛津高阶〔then〕He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn't require additional money.他想退休后有份收入;在那以前,他并不需要额外的钱。柯林斯高阶He was happy to comply without any further urging from me.他很高兴地答应了,并不需要我更多的要求。剑桥国际If it's only spitting (with rain), perhaps we don't need waterproofs.如果只是毛毛细雨,我们也许并不需要雨衣。剑桥国际When I told her we needed a new computer system, she said that “need” was a big word and that although we might like a new system, we didn't need one.当我告诉她我们需要一套新的计算机系统时,她说“需要”是一个大词并且说虽然我们可能喜欢一套新的系统,但我们并不需要剑桥国际You don't need to spend a lot of money to gain recognition of your products and services.使产品和服务得到认可并不需要花费太多钱。牛津商务

