
单词 座堂
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔canon〕There are 16 women priests serving in the diocese, one of whom is a canon at the cathedral.有16位女教士在主教辖区任职, 其中一位是主教座堂的法政牧师。外研社新世纪〔demonstrator〕The demonstrators had gathered in the cathedral square.示威者聚集在主教座堂广场上。牛津搭配〔faldstool〕A folding chair or stool, especially one used by a bishop when not occupying the throne or when presiding away from the cathedral.折叠椅:可折叠的椅子或凳子,特指主教离开主教座或他的主教座堂以外主持圣事时使用的美国传统〔focus〕The cathedral is the main focus for tourism.这所主教座堂是主要的旅游点。牛津同义词〔glory〕The city's crowning glory is its Gothic cathedral.这座城市最壮观之处是其哥特式的主教座堂牛津搭配〔guide〕I consulted my guide as I walked around the cathedral.游览主教座堂时,我查阅了指南。牛津搭配〔lane〕There is plenty to explore in the narrow winding lanes behind the cathedral.主教座堂背后那些羊肠小道大有可探究之处。牛津搭配〔permit〕We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits.如果时间允许,我们希望能参观一下主教座堂牛津高阶〔venerable〕The cathedral is a venerable building.主教座堂是神圣庄严的建筑。牛津同义词〔window〕The cathedral has a beautiful rose window.主教座堂有一个漂亮的圆花窗。牛津搭配

