
单词 强烈反感
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔distaste〕He couldn't hide the deep distaste that he felt for many of their customs.他无法掩饰对他们许多习俗的强烈反感牛津搭配〔gag〕To experience a regurgitative spasm in the throat, as from revulsion to a food or smell or in reflexive response to an introduced object.作呕:如喉咙中产生作呕感等对食物或烟味强烈反感或对使用物品的本能反应美国传统〔revulsion〕News of the atrocities produced a wave of anger and revulsion.暴行的披露激起了一阵愤怒和强烈反感朗文当代He expressed his revulsion at/against/towards the whale hunting.他表达了自己对捕鲸的强烈反感剑桥国际I know she has strong feelings about this matter, but that doesn't excuse her incivility.我知道她对这件事强烈反感,但这不能作为她粗鲁的借口。剑桥国际The sight of people suffering arouses a deep sense of injustice in her.看到人们在受苦激起了她对不公正的强烈反感剑桥国际

