
单词 汲取
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Indianist〕The new generation of Mexican artists and architects were inspired by their own Indianist past.新一代的墨西哥艺术家和建筑师从他们自己的印第安文化传统汲取创作灵感。英汉大词典〔REMOVE〕The bird uses its long beak to extract nectar from the flowers. 鸟用细长的喙汲取花蜜。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Over the centuries, they gradually absorbed Islamic ideas about design and architecture.几个世纪以来,他们渐渐汲取了伊斯兰教在设计和建筑方面的理念。麦克米伦高阶〔absorb〕Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳并从土壤中汲取水分。柯林斯高阶〔apply〕We can handle these problems effectively if we apply the lessons learned from past experiences.如果我们汲取过去的经验教训,就能有效地解决这些问题。韦氏高阶〔bigotry〕Britain must learn from the Holocaust and fight bigotry.英国必须从反犹大屠杀中汲取教训, 反对种族偏见。外研社新世纪〔broach〕To draw off (a liquid) by piercing a hole in a cask or other container.钻孔汲取:通过在桶或其它容器上钻孔来汲取(液体)美国传统〔draft〕Drawn from a large container, such as a keg.散装的,直接汲取的:从一个大容器中汲取的,如酒桶美国传统〔draft〕The drawing of a liquid, as from a cask or keg.汲取汲取液体,如从桶中美国传统〔draw〕I draw strength from the millions of women who have faced this challenge successfully.我从数百万成功面对这种挑战的女性身上汲取力量。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕She drew inspiration for her stories from her childhood.她从自己的童年生活中汲取写作的灵感。麦克米伦高阶〔experience〕We all learn from experience.我们都从经历中汲取教训。牛津搭配〔experiential〕Learning has got to be active and experiential.学习必须积极,而且要汲取经验。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕Butterflies and moths taste plants with their feet.蝴蝶和蛾用足汲取植物汁液。外研社新世纪〔implode〕Most nations learned their lesson during the 1930s when trade imploded and incomes plunged.20 世纪 30 年代当贸易大崩溃,人们的收入骤然下降时,大多数国家从中汲取了教训。朗文当代〔influence〕He is a writer who draws upon diverse cultural influences.他是一位在写作中汲取多种文化养料的作家。牛津搭配〔inspiration〕His paintings take/draw their inspiration from nature.他从大自然中汲取绘画创作灵感。韦氏高阶〔inspiration〕Many poets and artists draw their inspiration from nature.许多诗人和艺术家从大自然汲取灵感。英汉大词典〔lade〕To take up or remove (water) with a ladle or dipper.用长柄勺子或戽斗将(水)舀去或汲取美国传统〔learn〕He has learned from his mistakes.他已经从自己的错误中汲取了教训。外研社新世纪〔learn〕He's not afraid to learn from his mistakes.他勇于从错误中汲取教训。剑桥高阶〔lesson〕It's a hard lesson to learn.这是一个应该汲取的沉痛教训。牛津搭配〔lesson〕We can learn important lessons (= gain new understanding) from this disaster.从这次灾难中我们可以汲取重要教训。剑桥高阶〔marrow〕I want to suck the marrow out of this show.我想汲取这次展览的活力。外研社新世纪〔message〕The take-home message is: be willing to negotiate.应该汲取的教训是:要乐于谈判。牛津搭配〔nothing〕It's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration.全世界的室内设计师都希望从英国乡村花园汲取美妙的灵感,这并非没有道理。柯林斯高阶〔pray〕One can only pray that the team's manager learns something from it.大家也只能希冀球队教练从中汲取教训。柯林斯高阶〔profit〕There are lessons in these stories that all children can profit by.所有的孩子都可以从这些故事中汲取教训。朗文当代〔profit〕You may profit by the experience of others.你可以汲取别人的经验教训。21世纪英汉〔puke〕To vomit (ingested matter) or experience vomiting.呕出(汲取的物质)或呕吐美国传统〔pump〕To propel, eject, or insert with or as if with a pump.汲取:用或像用泵推进、喷出或插入美国传统〔seashore〕She takes her inspiration from shells and stones she finds on the seashore.她从在海滩上捡到的贝壳和石子中汲取灵感。柯林斯高阶〔seedbed〕TV is using radio as a seedbed for ideas.电视正从广播节目中汲取灵感。柯林斯高阶〔silver lining〕As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.正如他们所说, 黑暗中总有一线光明, 我们已从所做的决定中汲取了教训。外研社新世纪〔silver lining〕As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一线光明,我们已从所作的决定中汲取了教训。柯林斯高阶〔sponge〕Her brain was a sponge for knowledge.她的头脑就像是块汲取知识的海绵。外研社新世纪〔squeeze〕To press hard on or together; compress.榨取,汲取:在…之上用力压或压在一起压缩美国传统〔strength〕She was able to draw on her immense inner strength.她能够汲取内心深处的巨大力量。牛津搭配〔strength〕We will struggle on, drawing our strength from the courage of others.我们应该从其他人的勇气中汲取力量,继续奋斗。剑桥高阶〔suck〕These plants suck moisture from the soil.这些植物从土壤中汲取水分。韦氏高阶〔tapster〕One who draws and serves liquor for customers; a bartender.从酒桶中汲取酒并端给顾客的人;酒店侍者美国传统〔universe〕Good writers suck in what they see of the world, re-creating their own universe on the page.优秀的作家从他们眼中的世界汲取经验, 然后在纸上重塑自己的天地。外研社新世纪〔universe〕Good writers suck in what they see of the world, recreating their own universe on the page.优秀的作家从他们眼中的世界汲取体验,然后在纸上重塑自己的天地。柯林斯高阶By internalization I mean ways in which people draw from their past and present experiences of the social world.所谓内在化,我是指人们利用过去和现在社会生活经历中汲取到知识的方法。剑桥国际If she won't listen, she'll have to learn / find out the hard way.如果她不听,她只能自己汲取教训。剑桥国际In his later paintings he drew much of his inspiration from his travels in the Far East.在他后期的绘画作品中,他从远东旅行中汲取了许多灵感。剑桥国际

