
单词 鬼脸
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LAUGH〕Jonathan kept making funny faces at me and I just couldn't stop laughing. 乔纳森一直在朝我做鬼脸,我忍不住笑起来。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Dan made a face and stuck his tongue out. 丹做了个鬼脸,还伸出舌头。朗文写作活用〔amuse〕He made funny faces to amuse the children.他做鬼脸逗孩子们开心。朗文当代〔clown〕Left alone, the class threw books, pulled faces, and generally clowned around.由于没有人管,班上的学生扔书本,扮鬼脸,简直胡闹成一片。剑桥高阶〔contortion〕His facial contortions amused the audience of schoolchildren.他扮鬼脸逗得小学生观众都笑起来了。牛津高阶〔contortion〕The clown amused the children with funny facial contortions.小丑扮出滑稽的鬼脸逗孩子们开心。韦氏高阶〔face〕Emma was making faces at me through the window.埃玛透过窗子冲着我做鬼脸朗文当代〔face〕I was making silly faces to get the baby to laugh.我正做着各种鬼脸逗宝宝乐。剑桥高阶〔face〕Kathryn pulled a face at Thomas behind his back.凯瑟琳在托马斯身后冲他做了个鬼脸外研社新世纪〔face〕Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell.她打开门闻到那股发霉的气味, 不禁做了个鬼脸外研社新世纪〔face〕She made a funny face and gave a snorting sort of laugh.她做了个鬼脸,扑哧一声笑了。牛津搭配〔face〕She tried to get me to laugh by making a face when I looked at her.我看着她的时候,她扮鬼脸逗我笑。韦氏高阶〔face〕The boy made a face at his sister.这男孩对他的妹妹做了个鬼脸英汉大词典〔face〕What are you pulling a face at now? 你扮什么鬼脸啊?牛津搭配〔ghostly〕A ghostly face appeared at the window.窗口出现了一张煞白的鬼脸英汉大词典〔goofy〕She was making goofy faces at us in class.她在课堂上朝我们做鬼脸韦氏高阶〔grimace〕A sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt, or disgust.鬼脸,怪相:脸的极端扭曲以表示痛苦、轻蔑或厌恶美国传统〔grimace〕An ugly grimace twisted her face.她扮了个鬼脸,脸都扭曲了。牛津搭配〔grimace〕He grimaced at his reflection.他朝镜子里的自己做了个鬼脸外研社新世纪〔grimace〕He took another drink of his coffee. 'Awful,' he said with a grimace.他又喝了一口咖啡, 做了个鬼脸说道:“真难喝。”外研社新世纪〔grimace〕He took another drink of his coffee. 'Awful,' he said with a grimace.他又喝了一口咖啡。“真难喝,”他说着做了个鬼脸柯林斯高阶〔grimace〕Kyle rubbed his unshaved face and grimaced at the sandpapery sound.凯尔搓着没有刮过的脸, 听到砂纸似的声音做了个鬼脸外研社新世纪〔grimace〕Sally drank her water, then grimaced at the taste.萨莉喝了水, 味道之怪让她做了个鬼脸外研社新世纪〔grimace〕She grimaced at Cerezzi, then turned to Brenda.她朝塞里兹做了个鬼脸, 然后转向布伦达。外研社新世纪〔grimace〕She grimaced at Cerezzi, then turned to Brenda.她朝赛雷斯做了个鬼脸,接着转向布伦达。柯林斯高阶〔grimace〕She grimaced at him.她冲他扮了个鬼脸牛津搭配〔grimace〕The clown grimaced at the children.小丑向孩子们做鬼脸英汉大词典〔grimace〕To make a sharp contortion of the face.做鬼脸:做出脸部极端扭曲的动作美国传统〔impudent〕The impudent boy made faces at the teacher.这个无礼的学童冲着老师做鬼脸英汉大词典〔jib〕Stop making jibs.别做鬼脸了。外研社新世纪〔ladylike〕Remember, grimacing is not ladylike.记住, 扮鬼脸不够淑女。外研社新世纪〔laugh〕He pulled a funny face to make us laugh.他做了个鬼脸逗我们笑。牛津搭配〔likewise〕The boy made faces, and his younger brother did likewise.那男孩做鬼脸,他的弟弟学他的样。英汉大词典〔make〕To distort the features of the face; grimace.改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸美国传统〔mouth〕A pout, grimace, or similar expression.噘嘴,鬼脸:扮出的噘嘴的怪相、鬼脸或类似的表情美国传统〔mouth〕Children were giggling and mouthing.孩子们一边格格地笑,一边做鬼脸21世纪英汉〔mouth〕To grimace.扮鬼脸美国传统〔mugger〕One who commits a mugging.作鬼脸的人美国传统〔mug〕A grimace.鬼脸美国传统〔mug〕All the kids were mugging for the camera.所有的孩子都在对着相机做鬼脸朗文当代〔mug〕Several kids mugged at the cameraman.几个少年对摄影师扮鬼脸英汉大词典〔mug〕She mugged for the cameras, draping herself over the speaker's chair.她对着相机做鬼脸, 懒散地倒在发言席上。外研社新世纪〔mug〕To make exaggerated facial expressions, especially for humorous effect.做鬼脸:做脸部夸张的表情,尤指逗乐时做鬼脸美国传统〔mug〕When the curtain fell the actor was still mugging to the audience.幕落时,那个男演员还在向观众做鬼脸21世纪英汉〔narrowly〕He grimaced and looked narrowly at his colleague.他做了个鬼脸,然后仔细打量着同事。柯林斯高阶〔nibble〕Percy took a nibble at the lettuce leaf and made a face.珀西咬了一小口莴苣叶, 做了个鬼脸外研社新世纪〔nose〕The boys made long noses at each other.男孩子们用拇指顶着鼻子互相做鬼脸英汉大词典〔pull〕I pulled a face to hide my embarrassment.我做了一个鬼脸来掩饰我的窘态。英汉大词典〔pull〕She pulled a face to hide her embarrassment.她做了一个鬼脸来掩饰她的窘态。21世纪英汉〔retreat〕The young nurse pulled a face at the Matron's retreating figure.看着护士长离去的身影,这个年轻的护士做了个鬼脸柯林斯高阶〔silly〕He made a silly face.他做了个鬼脸韦氏高阶〔stick out〕She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him.她做了个鬼脸,向他吐了吐舌头。柯林斯高阶〔wry〕Over the beer she made a wry face and said “Nasty!” 她对啤酒做了一个鬼脸,说道“真难喝!”英汉大词典He made a face at the taste of the soup. 尝了尝汤的味道,他做了一个鬼脸译典通He pulled a face at the taste of the soup. 尝了尝汤的味道,他做了一个鬼脸译典通Helen made a grimace of disgust when she saw the raw meat.当海伦看见生肉时厌恶地做了个鬼脸剑桥国际Left alone, the class threw books and paint at each other, pulled faces and generally clowned around (=acted stupidly).由于没有人管,班上的学生于是互相扔书和颜料盒,扮鬼脸,简直是胡闹成一团。剑桥国际Mr. Clark winked at the rude child making grimaces. 克拉克先生假装没有看见那个野孩子做鬼脸译典通She's always laughing and joking and pulling funny faces.她总是哈哈大笑,开玩笑,做有趣的鬼脸剑桥国际The acrobat grimaced at the children during the circus performance. 那杂技艺人在马戏表演时对孩子们做鬼脸译典通The kid mugged at the cameraman. 那孩子对摄影师扮鬼脸译典通Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine. 汤玛斯尝了那葡萄酒后做了个鬼脸译典通Tony was scolded for pulling ill-mannered mugs. 汤尼因扮不礼貌的鬼脸挨了骂。译典通You must have pulled a very frightening face if you made him cry.你一定是做了个可怕的鬼脸才让他哭的。剑桥国际

