
单词 自卑感
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔act〕He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive.他通过过于暴躁好斗的行为来渲泄自卑感麦克米伦高阶〔assertively〕Clare's assertiveness stirred up his deep-seated sense of inadequacy.克莱尔的敢作敢为强烈触动了他内心深处的自卑感柯林斯高阶〔assertiveness〕Clare's assertiveness stirred up his deep-seated sense of inadequacy.克莱尔的自信触动了他内心深处的自卑感外研社新世纪〔induce〕Failure induces a sense of inferiority.失败会使人产生自卑感外研社新世纪〔inferiority complex〕He's always had an inferiority complex about his height.他对自己的身高总是有种自卑感剑桥高阶〔inferiority〕He had a deep-rooted feeling of inferiority.他有一种根深蒂固的自卑感朗文当代〔inferiority〕I found it difficult to shake off a sense of social inferiority.我发现很难摆脱社交自卑感柯林斯高阶〔low〕She has very low self-esteem.她有很强的自卑感剑桥高阶〔self-abasement〕Degradation or humiliation of oneself, especially because of feelings of guilt or inferiority.自卑,自贬,自我菲薄:自我贬低或羞辱,尤指出于负罪感或自卑感美国传统He had a feeling of inferiority. 他有自卑感译典通His treatment as a child had given him a strong sense of inferiority.他在孩提时受到的待遇使他有强烈的自卑感剑桥国际

