
单词 胼胝
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔callose〕A complex branched carbohydrate commonly associated with sieve areas of sieve elements.胼胝质:一种枝条繁杂的碳水化合物,与筛网元素的筛网区域相配合美国传统〔callus〕The hard bony tissue that develops around the ends of a fractured bone during healing.胼胝:愈合期间在断骨末端周围长起来的硬骨组织美国传统〔callus〕The hardened, sometimes sharp base of the floret of certain grasses.胼胝体:某种草的小花的坚硬的、有时是尖锐的底盘美国传统〔chestnut〕A small, hard callus on the inner surface of a horse's foreleg.胼胝:马前腿内侧的小而硬的胼胝美国传统〔corpus callosum〕The arched bridge of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral hemispheres, allowing communication between the right and left sides of the brain.胼胝体:连接大脑两半球的神经组织构成的拱形桥,能使大脑左右两半交流美国传统〔fornix〕An archlike anatomical structure or fold, such as the arched band of white matter located beneath the corpus callosum of the brain.穹,穹隆:一种弓状或皱襞状结构,如大脑胼胝体下面的白色的穹束状的神经纤维束美国传统〔left-brain〕The cerebral hemisphere to the left of the corpus callosum, controlling the right side of the body.左半脑:与胼胝体左边相对应的大脑半球,控制身体的右侧美国传统〔right brain〕The cerebral hemisphere to the right of the corpus callosum, controlling the left side of the body.右半脑:胼胝体右部的大脑半球,它控制身体的左侧美国传统〔tapetum〕A layer of fibers of the corpus callosum forming the roof of part of the lateral ventricle of the brain.脑毯:形成大脑部分侧腔室顶层的胼胝体的一层纤维美国传统〔tylosis〕A thickening of the horny layer of the skin as a result of chronic pressure or friction.胼胝:由于慢性的压力或摩擦的结果而导致的皮肤角质层的变厚美国传统

