
单词 脚手
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕That scaffolding looks unstable - get all the building workers off the site immediately. 那脚手架看上去不太牢固,所有的建筑工人要立即离开工地。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The only thing holding the wall up was a frail-looking section of scaffolding. 唯一撑着这墙的是一个看来摇摇欲坠的脚手架。朗文写作活用〔altogether〕Altogether seven inmates escaped by scaling a wall and climbing down scaffolding.总共有7名犯人攀墙从脚手架上爬下来逃走了。柯林斯高阶〔call〕The brick layer at the top of the scaffold is calling for more mortar.脚手架顶上的砌砖工人招呼再送些灰浆上去。英汉大词典〔ledger〕A horizontal timber in a scaffold, attached to the uprights and supporting the putlogs.脚手架上的横木,横板:脚手架上的一条横木,附着于直柱之上,支撑脚手架跳板短横木美国传统〔perch〕We watched the parade from our perch on the scaffolding.我们从脚手架的高处观看游行。剑桥高阶〔putlog〕One of the short pieces of lumber supporting the floor of a scaffold.脚手跳板搁材:脚手架上支持地板的短横木美国传统〔readiness〕The scaffolding has been put up in readiness for the repair work on the building.脚手架已经搭好,可以对大楼进行修葺了。剑桥高阶〔rig ... up〕The workmen rigged up some tubular scaffolding at once.工人们立刻搭了个管子脚手架。21世纪英汉〔scaffolding〕A fire broke out in scaffolding that had been erected around the house.搭在房屋周围的脚手架起火了。英汉大词典〔scaffolding〕A scaffold or system of scaffolds.脚手架:脚手架或整个脚手架系统美国传统〔scaffolding〕Materials used for constructing scaffolds.建平台、脚手架等用的材料美国传统〔scaffolding〕Scaffolding has been erected around the tower and repair work will start next week.塔的周围已竖起了脚手架,修缮工作将从下周开始。剑桥高阶〔scaffolding〕There are several builders working on the scaffolding.有几名建筑工人在脚手架上作业。牛津搭配〔scaffold〕A temporary platform, either supported from below or suspended from above, on which workers sit or stand when performing tasks at heights above the ground.脚手架:临时搭起的架子,从下方支撑或从上方悬吊,工人们在离开地面的高处站或坐在架子上工作美国传统〔scaffold〕To place on a raised framework or platform.将…置于脚手架或平台之上美国传统〔scaffold〕To provide or support with a raised framework or platform.搭脚手架:提供脚手架或平台以备支撑美国传统〔scale〕The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side.那些人攀上一堵墙, 然后顺着另一侧的脚手架爬了下去。外研社新世纪〔scale〕The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side.那些男人攀上一堵墙然后顺着另一侧的脚手架爬了下去。柯林斯高阶〔shroud〕Visitors have complained about the scaffolding that shrouds half the castle.游客们抱怨脚手架遮蔽了半个城堡。剑桥高阶〔staging〕A temporary platform or system of platforms used for support; scaffolding.工作台:临时的平台或用于支撑的演出平台结构;脚手美国传统〔tumble〕The scaffolding came tumbling down.脚手架突然倒塌。牛津高阶Because of restoration work, many of the historic buildings in the old town are shrouded in scaffolding.由于修复工作,古镇上的许多历史性建筑都被脚手架遮蔽了。剑桥国际Many public buildings in the city are covered in scaffolding and closed to the public.城里的许多公共建筑已围上了脚手架,停止向公众开放。剑桥国际Scaffolding has been erected around the tower and repair work will start next week.塔的周围已竖起了脚手架,修缮工作将在下周开始。剑桥国际The scaffolding has been put up in readiness for the repair work on the building.脚手架已搭建起来供这幢房子修缮之用。剑桥国际

