
单词 直道
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backstretch〕The horses are in the backstretch.马匹都在赛场旁的非终点直道上。韦氏高阶〔backstretch〕The part of an oval racecourse farthest from the spectators and opposite the homestretch.非终点直道:离观众最远且与终点直道相对的椭圆形赛马跑道美国传统〔dig〕She had to dig deep to find the strength to catch her rival on the final straight.她不得不拼尽全力以在最后一段直道上追上对手。外研社新世纪〔finish〕The runners came around the bend for a sprint finish in the home straight.赛跑选手跑过弯道在终点直道上进行最后的冲刺。牛津搭配〔homestretch〕Sports The portion of a racetrack from the last turn to the finish line.【体育运动】 终点直道:从最末弯道到终点线之间的那段跑道美国传统〔homestretch〕The horses are in the homestretch.那些赛马进入了最后一个直道韦氏高阶〔indirect〕Sometimes taking the indirect path saves time.有时不走直道反倒可以节省时间。美国传统〔lap〕She lapped some of the weaker runners on the final stretch.她在跑到终点直道时比有些落后的选手领先了一圈。外研社新世纪〔pick up〕The cars picked up down the straight.车辆加速沿直道驶去。外研社新世纪〔pick〕The car picked up (speed) down the straight.汽车加速沿直道驶去。英汉大词典〔power〕The racing car powered down the home straight.赛车在终点直道上急驰。21世纪英汉〔round〕The runner rounded into the homestretch.赛跑者拐入终点直道英汉大词典〔straightaway〕And the runners are just coming up to the straightaway.选手们刚跑上最后一个直道剑桥高阶〔straightaway〕He overtook them on the straightaway.他在直道超过了他们。韦氏高阶〔straight〕And the runners are just coming up to the finishing straight.选手们刚跑上最后一个直道剑桥高阶〔straight〕I went to overtake him on the back straight on the last lap.最后一圈时我在非终点直道上超过了他。柯林斯高阶〔straight〕Our cars were clearly too slow along the straights.我们的赛车在直道上跑得显然太慢了。柯林斯高阶〔stretch runner〕A runner or racehorse that makes a strong effort in the last stretch of a race.冲刺的赛马或运动员:进入比赛终点直道奋力冲刺的赛马或运动员美国传统〔stretch〕A straight section of a racecourse or track, especially the section leading to the finish line.终点直道:跑道的笔直部份,尤指通向终点线的部分美国传统〔stretch〕The horses entered the final stretch shoulder to shoulder.这些马并排进入了终点直道麦克米伦高阶〔stumble〕In the final straight Meyers stumbled, and although he didn't fall it was enough to lose him first place.迈耶斯在最后的直道上绊了一下,虽然没有摔倒,但也足以使他丢掉第一的位置。剑桥高阶〔top〕The horse went on top in the backstretch.马跑到非终点直道时领先了。英汉大词典〔turn〕The runners are coming down the straightaway and heading into the turn.运动员正沿直道跑过来,即将进入弯道。韦氏高阶And the runners are just coming up to the finishing straight.选手们正在跑上最后一个直道剑桥国际She forged round the bend / down the straight / into the water.她在弯道突然加速/在直道上疾速前进/快速跑动跃入水中。剑桥国际The Ferrari was fast but was no match for the Lotus on the straights.法拉利速度很快,但在直道上不是莲花车的对手。剑桥国际The Romans built a network of over 80 000 km of usually straight roads radiating (out) from ancient Rome.罗马人建造了八万多公里的道路网,这些路通常都是直道,以古罗马为中心向四周扩展。剑桥国际

