
单词 电流的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SI〕The SI unit of electric current is the ampere.电流的国际单位制单位是“安培”。剑桥高阶〔ammeter〕An instrument that measures electric current.安培计:一种测量电流的仪表美国传统〔amplification〕The process of increasing the magnitude of a variable quantity, especially the magnitude of voltage, power, or current, without altering any other quality.放大,放大率:可变量增大的过程,尤指电压、电力或电流的增大,不改变其它特性美国传统〔bioelectric〕Of or having to do with the electric current generated by living tissue.生物电的:属于或有关于由生命机体组织产生的电流的美国传统〔break〕Electricity Interruption of a flow of current.【电学】 电流的断路美国传统〔bus bar〕A conducting bar that carries heavy currents to supply several electric circuits.汇流线,母线:为支持多条电子线路而运载强大电流的导线美国传统〔cathode〕The positively charged terminal of a primary cell or a storage battery that is supplying current.还原极:正在输出电流的原电池或蓄电池的阴极美国传统〔circuit〕A closed path followed or capable of being followed by an electric current.电路:一个通过电流或可通过电流的封闭路径美国传统〔closed circuit〕An electric circuit providing an uninterrupted, endless path for the flow of current.闭路式:为电流的流动提供不受干扰的、没有终止的电路美国传统〔commutate〕To reverse the direction of (an alternating electric current) each half-cycle to produce a unidirectional current.变换电流方向:颠倒每一半周(交流电流的)方向,以产生单方向性电流美国传统〔conductance〕A measure of a material's ability to conduct electric charge; the reciprocal of the resistance.传导力:衡量材料对电流的传导能力的计量单位;电阻互导美国传统〔converter〕A machine that converts electric current from one kind to another.变流器:把一种电流转换成另一种电流的机械装置美国传统〔countercurrent〕A current that flows in an opposite direction to the flow of another current.逆流,反向电流;逆电流:与另一水流或电流的流向相反的水流或电流美国传统〔electrocoagulation〕Therapeutic use of a high-frequency electric current to bring about the coagulation and destruction of tissue.电凝法:利用高频电流的治疗用法,使组织凝固或杀死组织美国传统〔electromotive〕Of, relating to, or producing electric current.电流的电流的,关于电流的或产生电流的美国传统〔faradic〕Of, relating to, or using an intermittent asymmetrical alternating electric current produced by an induction coil.法拉第的:感应线圈产生的周期性非对称交变电流的或与之有关的,或利用这种电流的美国传统〔galvanic〕Of or relating to direct-current electricity, especially when produced chemically.电流的:属于或关于直流电的,尤指化学反应产生的美国传统〔knock sth out〕The surge in the power supply knocked out all the computers.供电电流的冲击毁坏了所有的电脑。剑桥高阶〔lag〕The electric current lags behind the voltage.电流的相位小于电压美国传统〔line〕An electric-power transmission cable.电缆:传送电流的导线美国传统〔magnetoelectric〕Of or relating to electricity produced by magnetic means.磁电的:和由磁性原理产生的电流有关的或这种电流的美国传统〔microphone〕An instrument that converts sound waves into an electric current, usually fed into an amplifier, a recorder, or a broadcast transmitter.扩音器,麦克风,话筒:将声波转变成电流的工具,通常接至扩音器,录音机或广播发射机上美国传统〔mutual induction〕The production of an electromotive force in a circuit resulting from a change of current in a neighboring cirucuit.互感应:邻近电路电流的变化所造成的在一个电路中电动势的感应美国传统〔power〕The product of applied potential difference and current in a direct-current circuit.电路:直流电路中的实际电位差与电流的乘积美国传统〔primary〕Electronics Of, relating to, or constituting an inducting current, circuit, or coil.【电子学】 原线圈的:线圈,电路或电流的;和线圈、电路、电流有关的;组成线圈,电路或电流的美国传统〔pyroelectricity〕Generation of electric charge on a crystal by change of temperature.热电:由于温度的变化而在结晶体上发生的电流的产生美国传统〔rectifier〕Electronics A device, such as a diode, that converts alternating current to direct current.【电子学】 整流器;整流管:一种将交流电流转化为直流电流的装置,如二极管美国传统〔reluctance〕Physics A measure of the opposition to magnetic flux, analogous to electric resistance.【物理学】 磁阻:对磁流动的阻碍的度量,同电流的阻抗类似美国传统〔resistor〕A device used to control current in an electric circuit by providing resistance.电阻器:在电路中通过提供电阻控制电流的仪器美国传统〔rheostat〕A continuously variable electrical resistor used to regulate current.变阻器:用以调节电流的连续可变电阻器美国传统〔sampling gate〕A circuit that produces an output only when first activated by a preliminary pulse.采样门电路:只有通过预先电脉冲才能输出电流的电路美国传统〔secondary〕Electricity A coil or circuit having an induced current.【电学】 感应线圈:有感应电流的线圈或电路美国传统〔secondary〕Electricity Having an induced current that is generated by an inductively coupled primary. Used of a circuit or coil.【电学】 产生感应电流的:由初级电圈感应产生的感应电流的。用于电路或线圈美国传统〔self-induction〕The generation by a changing current of an electromotive force in the same circuit.自感应:由于电路中电流的变化而在同一电路中产生的感应电动势美国传统〔solenoid〕A current-carrying coil of wire that acts like a magnet when a current passes through it.筒形线圈:传送电流的电线圈,当电流通过时起到磁体的作用美国传统〔spark〕A short pulse or flow of electric current.电流的短脉冲或流动美国传统〔suppressor〕A device, such as a resistor or grid, that is used in an electrical or electronic system to reduce unwanted currents.抑制栅(极):用电器或电子系统中用来减少多余电流的抑制器或栅美国传统〔vibrator〕An electrical device consisting basically of a vibrating conductor interrupting a current.振动器:主要包含一种能打断电流的振动导体的电动设备美国传统〔voltaic〕Of, relating to, or being electricity or electric current produced by chemical action; galvanic.电流的:电的或由化学反应产生的电流的,与此有关的或作为此的美国传统〔voltaic〕Producing electricity by chemical action.电流的,伏打(式)的:通过化学反应产生的电流的美国传统

