
单词 连接上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔East River〕A narrow tidal strait connecting Upper New York Bay with Long Island Sound and separating the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx from Brooklyn and Queens.东河:一条连接上纽约湾和长岛海峡的狭窄的海峡,有潮汐活动并将曼哈顿区、布朗克斯区同布鲁克林区、昆斯区隔开美国传统〔JOIN〕Have you connected the speakers to the amplifier? 你把扬声器与扩音器连接上了吗?朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕The college provides technology to all faculty members and students to link them to the Internet. 学院向全体教职员和学生提供技术,让他们连接上互联网。朗文写作活用〔connect〕I'm just trying to connect up to the email server.我正在试着和电子信箱服务器连接上麦克米伦高阶〔go〕I'll just connect the printer to the computer and then we'll be ready to go.我只要把打印机和电脑连接上,我们就可以开始了。剑桥高阶Most villages in the highlands are now connected to the telephone network.大多数高原上的村庄现在都连接上了电话网络。剑桥国际Sometimes the phone lines are so busy that it's impossible to get connected (= to the Internet).有时候电话线太忙以至于不能与互联网连接上牛津商务You can plug into the international computer network. 你可以连接上国际电脑网路。译典通

