
单词 金牌得主
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-titled〕He became Jamaica's first Olympic gold medallist when he won the 400m title in 1948.他 1948 年赢得 400 米冠军,成为牙买加第一位奥运会金牌得主柯林斯高阶〔MBE〕Olympic gold medallist Sally Gunnell, MBE奥运会金牌得主萨莉•冈内尔, 英帝国勋位获得者外研社新世纪〔decathlon〕Daley Thompson, winner of the decathlon in the 1984 Olympics.1984年奥运十项运动金牌得主达利.汤普生。文馨英汉〔duo〕Britain's former golden Olympic duo of Linford Christie and Sally Gunnell.英国前奥运会金牌得主二人档林福德·克里斯蒂和萨莉·冈纳尔柯林斯高阶〔tipster〕All the tipsters were wrong about the gold medal winner.所有的胜率预测者都弄错了金牌得主剑桥高阶〔title〕He became Jamaica's first Olympic gold medallist when he won the 400m title in 1948.他于1948年赢得400米冠军, 成为牙买加第一位奥运会金牌得主外研社新世纪All the tipsters were wrong about the gold medal winner.所有的情报贩子都弄错了金牌得主剑桥国际Her swimming coach is an Olympic gold medallist.她的游泳教练是奥运会金牌得主剑桥国际

