
单词 补给
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOWN〕Submarines were used to sink the enemy's supply ships. 潜艇曾被用来击沉敌方的补给船。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The army's supply lines in the area along the southern border were stretched dangerously thin. 部队在南部边境地区的补给线已经捉襟见肘,岌岌可危。朗文写作活用〔GI〕Issued by an official U.S. military supply department.美军补给处提供的:由美国官方军事补给部门提供的美国传统〔NEW〕The camp had almost run out of food when helicopters arrived with fresh supplies. 营里的食品差不多已经耗尽了,这时直升机运来了新鲜的补给朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕The steel industry depends on a regular supply of raw materials. 钢铁工业依赖原材料的定期补给朗文写作活用〔airlift in〕The UN Food Program said yesterday it had started airlifting in supplies.联合国粮食计划署昨天表示已经开始把补给空运进去。外研社新世纪〔airlift〕A flight transporting troops, civilian passengers, or supplies, as when surface routes are blocked.空中补给线:当地面交通断绝时运送军队、乘客或物品的飞机美国传统〔auxiliary〕A vessel, such as a supply ship or a tug, that is designed for and used in instances and services other than combat.辅助性的船只:指补给船或供给船,主要用于辅助及服务而非战事美国传统〔backpack〕We shall have to backpack supplies through the woods.我们必须背负补给品穿过森林。21世纪英汉〔beleaguered〕Supplies are being brought into the beleaguered city.补给品正在运往那个被围困的城市。朗文当代〔besiege〕The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.阿富汗空军正用直升机向被围城镇提供补给柯林斯高阶〔burden〕Burdened with supplies and equipment, she headed to the camp.她背着沉重的补给和仪器朝着营地进发。韦氏高阶〔by〕All supplies are transported by air.补给品全部空运。朗文当代〔catastrophic〕Supplies were running catastrophically low.补给品极其短缺。麦克米伦高阶〔choke off〕The army has choked off the enemy's supplies.大军已经切断了敌人的补给21世纪英汉〔commissary〕A supermarket for military personnel and their dependents, usually located on a military installation.补给库;为军人服务的自动售货店:军人及其受赡养者的超级市场,通常位于军事设施美国传统〔convoy〕A convoy of trucks containing supplies was sent to the famine area.一支满载补给品的车队被派往饥荒严重的地区。剑桥高阶〔convoy〕American destroyers helped to convoy much-needed supplies to Britain in 1917.1917 年美国的驱逐舰帮助把亟需的补给品护送到英国。朗文当代〔depot〕A station for assembling military recruits and forwarding them to active units.补给站:集合士兵并把他们送往作战部队的兵站美国传统〔dig into〕Elizabeth even dug into her own pocket to provide money for the huge convoys bringing supplies to Britain.伊丽莎白甚至自己出钱为运送补给品到英国的庞大护航船队提供经费。外研社新世纪〔dinghy〕A small open boat carried as a tender, lifeboat, or pleasure craft on a larger boat.供应小船:一种用来载客的敞舱小船,如补给船、救生艇或游船上的小船美国传统〔dogsled〕They dogsledded supplies to the fort.他们用狗拉雪橇将补给送往要塞。韦氏高阶〔drop zone〕The area into which soldiers or supplies are parachuted from an aircraft.空投区,伞降地区:士兵与补给品从飞机上空降而下的区域美国传统〔drop〕Supplies are being dropped for the refugees.正在向难民空投补给品。朗文当代〔endeavour〕We will make every endeavour to obtain sufficient supplies.我们将尽全力取得充足的补给牛津搭配〔enemy〕The enemy had succeeded in stopping our supplies from getting through.敌人成功切断了我军的补给线。剑桥高阶〔feed〕The streams feed the creek.溪涧向小溪补给水源。韦氏高阶〔ferry〕Supplies are ferried across to the island.补给品由渡轮运送到岛上。外研社新世纪〔ferry〕The ship was used to ferry supplies to Russia during the war.这艘船在战时被用来往俄罗斯运送补给朗文当代〔fly〕Supplies of food have been flown to the refugees.粮食的补给已空运给那些难民。文馨英汉〔garrison〕The 100-strong garrison had received no supplies for a week.这支100人的守备部队已经一个星期没有得到补给了。剑桥高阶〔grubstake〕They grubstaked him two horses and enough supplies for three months.他们为他提供了两匹马和足够三月的补给21世纪英汉〔hard-set〕The troops were hard-set before their supplies came.那支军队在补给品运到之前处境困难。英汉大词典〔hard-set〕The troops were hard-set before their supplies came.那支部队在补给品运到之前处境困苦。文馨英汉〔heart disease〕A structural or functional abnormality of the heart, or of the blood vessels supplying the heart, that impairs its normal functioning.心脏病:心脏或补给心脏的血管在构造或功能方面的病变,从而影响了心脏的正常功能美国传统〔helicopter〕Helicopters dropped supplies.直升机空投补给品。牛津搭配〔infiltrate〕Bacterial toxins are prevented from infiltrating the mucous membrane of the mouth when vitamin C is in plentiful supply.大量的维生素C补给可阻止细菌毒素侵入口腔黏膜。外研社新世纪〔isoflavone〕One of a family of phytoestrogens found chiefly in soybeans that is under investigation for its preventive health benefits as a nutritional supplement.大豆异黄酮:主要发现于黄豆中一种雌激素,正在研究其是否具预防疾病的健康功能以作为营养补给美国传统〔jump in〕The Government had to jump in and purchase millions of dollars worth of supplies.政府不得不匆忙购进价值数百万美元的补给品。外研社新世纪〔land〕Motorboats landed supplies along the beaches.摩托艇把补给品送到了海滩边上。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕The supplies would last for only another few days.这些补给品只够再维持几天。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕They won't be able to last much longer without fresh supplies.没有新的补给,他们维持不了多久。朗文当代〔line〕Deep snow is blocking the mountain roads that serve as supply lines for the rebels.厚厚的大雪堵住了作为反叛者补给线的山路。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕They knew they needed to block their enemy's supply lines (=direction used for carrying supplies of food etc) .他们知道必须要封锁敌人的补给线。朗文当代〔load〕Soldiers were loaded with blankets and supplies.给士兵们发放了很多毯子和补给外研社新世纪〔match〕The government will match all private donations to the museum.政府将把所有私人捐款补给博物馆美国传统〔operation〕The operation to fly in supplies will begin as soon as possible.向这里空运补给品的行动会尽快展开。剑桥高阶〔parachute〕Planes dropped supplies by parachute.飞机用降落伞空投补给牛津高阶〔parachute〕Supplies have been parachuted into the area.补给品被空投到该地区。朗文当代〔parachute〕Supplies were dropped by parachute.补给通过降落伞空投下来。牛津搭配〔parachute〕Supplies were parachuted into the mountains.补给物资被空投到山区。柯林斯高阶〔pinnace〕A small sailing boat formerly used as a tender for merchant and war vessels.船载舰,舰载艇:一种小帆船,旧时用来作为商船和战舰的补给美国传统〔port of call〕A port where ships dock in the course of voyages to load or unload cargo, obtain supplies, or undergo repairs.船只补给港口:船只在航行过程中停靠的装卸货物、增加补给及进行修理的港口美国传统〔provision〕They stopped to provision the ship.他们停下来补给船只。韦氏高阶〔put〕The ship put in at (= stopped at) Cape Town for fresh supplies.轮船停靠在开普敦以补充新鲜补给剑桥高阶〔radio〕We'll have to radio for more supplies.我们将不得不通过无线电请求提供更多的补给剑桥高阶〔railroad〕The supplies were sent on the railroad.补给是由铁路运送的。朗文当代〔ran short of〕Supplies were running low/short.补给品越来越少/短缺了。韦氏高阶〔ration〕We're on short rations(= allowed less than usual)until fresh supplies arrive.在新的补给到达之前,我们的口粮定量不足。牛津高阶〔refresh〕The ship refreshed for a voyage.这艘船贮入补给品准备出航。英汉大词典〔refresh〕The supply ship refreshed the submarines between battles.补给船利用战斗间隙给潜水艇以新的供应品。21世纪英汉〔reinforce〕Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.我方营地靠直升机空投加强补给韦氏高阶〔relay〕He set up an escape route with relays of horses, supplies and money.他设立了一条逃生路线, 并准备了替换的马匹、补给和钱。外研社新世纪〔requisition〕He presented a list of requisitions to the depot commander.他向补给仓库指挥官提交了一份征用物资清单。英汉大词典〔resupply〕The hopelessly inefficient economy is in need of resupply and support.无望有效运作的经济需要新的补给和支援。英汉大词典〔revictual〕The Pacific Fleet got revictualled.太平洋舰队得到了食物补给21世纪英汉〔revictual〕The besieged army could not easily revictual.被包围的部队不容易再获得粮食的补给21世纪英汉〔revictual〕The depot was used for revictual(l)ing the fishing fleet.那个仓库曾被用来向捕鱼船队补给食品。英汉大词典〔sealift〕A system or an instance of such transport.海上补给:这种运输的系统或实例美国传统〔shipload〕A shipload of supplies arrived in Havana, Cuba, last night.昨晚一船补给用品送达了古巴哈瓦那。柯林斯高阶〔short〕Supplies were running short as winter came on.冬季来临时,补给品快用完了。麦克米伦高阶〔staging post〕The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts on their way south.该岛是很多观光游艇南行途中的一个补给站。柯林斯高阶〔store〕They uncovered box after box of weapons and stores.他们发现了一箱又一箱的武器和补给品。英汉大词典〔store〕We can store in Amsterdam.我们可以在阿姆斯特丹给船补给21世纪英汉〔stow〕The supplies were stowed away below deck.补给存放在甲板下面。韦氏高阶〔strike〕They struck off across the desert without supplies.他们在没有补给的情况下奋力穿越了沙漠。麦克米伦高阶〔submission〕The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.军队打算占领该城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。柯林斯高阶〔submission〕The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.军队打算攻占这座城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。外研社新世纪〔supply line〕The attack was designed to block enemy supply lines.这次进攻意在截断敌军的补给线。麦克米伦高阶〔supply line〕The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France.这次轰炸看起来意在切断德国和占领法国的德军部队之间的补给线。柯林斯高阶〔supply〕Our supplies were running out.我们的补给快用完了。牛津高阶〔supply〕Something that is or can be supplied.补给品:供应的东西或能供给的东西美国传统〔supply〕Supplies were brought in by air.补给品通过空运送到了。朗文当代〔supply〕The military government is trying to stop the supply of guns to the rebels.军政府在试图切断叛军的枪支补给朗文当代〔supply〕They took a month's worth of supplies on the camping trip.他们带了一个月的补给品去野营旅行。韦氏高阶〔sustain〕To supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for.补给,提供:供给必需品及营养;提供美国传统〔tender〕Nautical A vessel attendant on other vessels, especially one that ferries supplies between ship and shore.【航海】 补给船:伴随其它舰只的船只,尤指在舰只和海岸之间运送补给物资的船只美国传统〔transship〕There was still the problem of transshipping men and stores from ship to beach.怎样把士兵和补给品从船上转送到岸上仍然是个问题。英汉大词典〔trudge〕The men trudged up the hill, laden with supplies.这些人背着补给品疲惫地往山上爬。牛津高阶〔voyageur〕A woodsman, boatman, or guide employed by a fur company to transport goods and supplies between remote stations in Canada or the U.S. Northwest.林居人,伐木人,向导,船夫:皮毛公司雇佣的伐木工人、船夫或向导,他们在加拿大或美国西北部偏远驿站间运送货物或补给美国传统〔weigh sb/sth down〕Weighed down with supplies, they found the steep path difficult to climb.由于背着沉重的补给品,他们觉得陡峭的小路很难攀爬。剑桥高阶The medical supplies that arrived in January were heaven-sent.一月份到达的医疗补给品真如天赐一般。剑桥国际The operation to fly in supplies will begin as soon as possible.飞行运输补给品的行动将尽快开始。剑桥国际The sailors rowed us and the supplies ashore/to land/across the lake.水手们划船送我们和补给品上岸/到陆地/穿过湖面。剑桥国际The ship refreshed for a voyage. 这艘船装上补给品准备出航。译典通The supply ships sailed under convoy. 补给船在护送之下航行。译典通The town became a staging post for trucks carrying supplies from the ports to the centre of the war zone.这小镇成了从港口向战区中心运补给的卡车的中转站。剑桥国际They stocked up on supplies while they were ashore.在岸上时,他们采办了补给品。剑桥国际We started the voyage by provisioning our boat at the quay.我们在启航前先在码头给我们的船补给了必需品。剑桥国际Weighed down with supplies they found the steep path difficult to climb.由于背着重重的补给品,他们发现陡峭的小路很难攀登。剑桥国际

