
单词 过重
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PULL〕One of the firemen went back in and dragged my husband out through the flames. 一名消防员又冲了进去,拖着我的丈夫穿过重重烈焰。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Projects should stretch people and make them work hard, but not overload them. 这些项目应该使人发挥所长,努力工作,但不应该使他们负担过重朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕The excess pounds had given him a double chin and a neck that made his shirt collar look too tight. 过重的体重使他有个双下巴,脖子也粗得使衬衫领子看起来很紧。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕We can't take money from a school system that is already overloaded. 我们不能向已经负担过重的学校体制削减资金。朗文写作活用〔aqueduct〕A pipe or channel designed to transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity.导水管,沟渠:设计用于从远地水源输水的管道或通道,通常通过重力(输送)美国传统〔assume〕It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.普遍认为,紧张是工作过重所致。牛津高阶〔blast〕Electronics To distort sound recording or transmission by overloading a microphone or loudspeaker.【电子学】 声音失真:由于麦克风或扬声器负载过重而使得声音记录或传送失真美国传统〔concentration〕There's been too much concentration of power in the hands of central authorities.中央政府手中集权过重外研社新世纪〔debase〕The holiday has been debased by commercialism.这个节日因商业气息过重而声誉受损。韦氏高阶〔dig up〕Managers are too expensive and important to spend time digging up market information.经理的薪金过高,职责太过重大,不能将时间浪费在挖掘市场信息上。柯林斯高阶〔discoloration〕A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour.受过重击的牙齿可能会变色。柯林斯高阶〔discolour〕A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour.受过重击的牙齿可能会变色。外研社新世纪〔disproportionate〕He believes that middle-class people bear a disproportionate share of the tax burden.他认为中产阶层承担了过重的税负。韦氏高阶〔excessive〕He considered the level of tax excessive.他认为税收过重牛津搭配〔excessive〕The sentence which was imposed was manifestly excessive.所判刑罚显然过重牛津搭配〔excessive〕They believe their children are being given excessive amounts of homework.他们认为自己孩子的家庭作业量过重外研社新世纪〔extreme〕Many thought that the punishment was too extreme for the crime.很多人认为对那条罪行的处罚过重韦氏高阶〔far〕Reagan was too far gone to attend.里根病情过重, 已回天乏术。外研社新世纪〔fine〕Sarah's been quite ill, but she's fine now.萨拉生过重病,但现在已经好了。麦克米伦高阶〔firefight〕Since the cease-fire there have been no major battles, only scattered firefights.停火以来没有发生过重大的战斗,只不过有一些稀稀拉拉的交火。英汉大词典〔foolish〕His poor, foolish brain is just overtaxed.他那简单得可怜的大脑有点负担过重了。外研社新世纪〔frightening〕He found the responsibility rather frightening.他觉得责任过重,让人恐惧。牛津搭配〔gate〕We drove through the palace gates.我们驱车驶过重重宫门。牛津高阶〔hew〕To cut something by repeated blows, as of an ax.砍:通过重复敲击砍某件东西,如用斧子美国传统〔hundred〕Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, you can fix the problem by restarting the computer.十有八九,你都可以通过重启电脑来解决这个问题。韦氏高阶〔illness〕Have you ever had any serious illnesses ? 你得过重病吗?朗文当代〔injured〕Grandpa was badly injured in the war.祖父在战争中受过重伤。朗文当代〔injured〕Many of them will have died because they were so badly injured.他们中很多人会因伤势过重而死亡。柯林斯高阶〔just〕Was Pollard's life sentence just or was it too severe?判处波拉德终身监禁是公正合理还是量刑过重外研社新世纪〔knock〕You've had a nasty knock on the head.你的头部遭受过重击。牛津搭配〔laity〕The laity has/have played an important role in the history of the church.普通信徒在教会的历史上扮演过重要的角色。韦氏高阶〔merciful〕We were told when he was taken to hospital that his injuries were so severe death would be merciful.他被送到医院时,医生告诉我们他伤势过重,死亡对他算是一种幸运的解脱。柯林斯高阶〔mill〕A machine, such as one for stamping coins, that produces something by the repetition of a simple process.磨机,货币轧齿边机:通过重复简单的过程制造物品的机器,如压印钱币的机器美国传统〔obstructive sleep apnoea〕Obstructive sleep apnoea is often found in people who are very overweight.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停经常在体重严重过重的人身上。剑桥高阶〔outweigh〕Collapse may follow if the load outweighs its supports.如果支座荷载过重可能会发生倒塌。英汉大词典〔outweigh〕It's possible that the beam may break if the loads outweigh its supports.如果负荷过重,主梁的断裂是有可能发生的。21世纪英汉〔overassess〕To assess (property or a property owner) at too high a tax figure; overtax.征税过重:对(财产或财产所有人的)税值估计过高;对征税过重美国传统〔overburdened〕She was overburdened with work [debt, cares].她的工作[债务、烦恼]过重文馨英汉〔overburden〕An excessive burden; an overload.过重的负担;超载美国传统〔overburden〕He was overburdened by work.他承受了过重的工作负担。韦氏高阶〔overburden〕Health services have been overburdened and are unable to care for many older people.公共医疗保健服务的负担过重了,因而无法照顾到许多老年人。朗文当代〔overburden〕She overburdened me with work/guilt.她使我工作负担过重/心里非常内疚。韦氏高阶〔overburden〕To burden with too much weight; overload.过重,超载:使负担过重;使装载过多美国传统〔overburden〕To subject to an excessive burden or strain; overtax.过重的负担或压力;对…加以过重负担美国传统〔overburden〕Why overburden yourself when people are offering to help? 既然有人帮助你,为什么还要给自己过重的负担呢?韦氏高阶〔overcharge〕A load or burden that is too full or heavy.超载:过量或过重的载荷或负担美国传统〔overcharge〕To fill too full; overload.使装填过多;使装载过重美国传统〔overdo〕To wear out the strength of; overtax.耗竭:耗尽力气;使负担过重美国传统〔overexert〕To exert (oneself) too much; overtax.用力过度,用力过猛:使(自己)用力过度;使负担过重美国传统〔overhit〕To hit (a tennis ball, for example) too hard or too far.过重一击:把(如一个网球)击得过重或过远美国传统〔overladen〕Loaded or burdened too heavily.超载的:装载过多的或负担过重美国传统〔overload〕An excessive load.过重的负担美国传统〔overload〕Be careful not to overload the washing machine.注意别让洗衣机负荷过重朗文当代〔overload〕Don't overload the washing machine.别让洗衣机负荷过重韦氏高阶〔overstress〕To subject to excessive physical or emotional stress.压力过重:使体力或精神承受过重压力美国传统〔overtax〕Food should not be overtaxed.对食品不应该课税过重剑桥高阶〔overtax〕New housing development in the town will overtax sewer and drinking water systems.城市里新住宅的开发将对排水和饮用水系统造成过重压力。韦氏高阶〔overtax〕To subject to an excessive burden or strain.对…负担过重:使承受过重的负担或压力美国传统〔overtax〕To tax in excess of what is considered appropriate or just.对…征税过重:税收超过了适当或合理的限度美国传统〔overtax〕You can't help Britain by overtaxing its people.向国民过重课税对英国于事无补。外研社新世纪〔overtax〕You can't help Britain by overtaxing its people.向国民过重课税对英国于事无补。柯林斯高阶〔overvalue〕We generally tend to overvalue money and undervalue art.我们一般倾向于把金钱的价值看得过重而低估艺术的价值。英汉大词典〔overweight〕To weigh down too heavily; overload.装载过重美国传统〔overweigh〕To weigh down excessively; overburden or oppress.给…太多的分量:以过重的份量将…压倒;使负担过重或压迫、使感沉重美国传统〔overworked〕He says that he's overworked and underpaid.他说他工作过重,所得的报酬太低。韦氏高阶〔overwork〕They were exhausted from overwork.他们因工作过重而疲惫不堪。韦氏高阶〔past〕At some time in its past the church was rebuilt.历史上这座教堂进行过重建。朗文当代〔plasticity〕When girls put on too much eye-shadow, they look plastic.女孩子如果把眼影涂得过重,看起来就不自然了。柯林斯高阶〔power dive〕A downward plunge of an aircraft accelerated by both gravity and engine power.动力俯冲:飞机通过重力及引擎动力引起加速的向下俯冲美国传统〔proportion〕The fine was out of all proportion to the seriousness of the offence.罚金与所犯过失的严重性完全不相称。(指罚金过重) 英汉大词典〔put/place too much strain〕Moving the piano will put/place too much strain on our back muscles.搬钢琴会使我们的背部肌肉负担过重韦氏高阶〔put〕To overburden with tasks or work.担负过重的任务或工作美国传统〔reborn〕Russia was being reborn as a great power.俄罗斯经过重生成为强国。柯林斯高阶〔reduplication〕A word formed by or containing a reduplicated element.重叠词:含有或通过重复成份形成的词美国传统〔repackage〕The classic album has been remastered, repackaged and rereleased.这张经典专辑经过重新灌制和包装后已经再次发行了。外研社新世纪〔restate〕The letter merely restated the law of the land.这封信只不过重复了一下土地法。柯林斯高阶〔sour〕Of or relating to excessively acid soil that is damaging to crops.酸性过重的:对农作物有破坏作用的过于酸的土壤的或与之有关的美国传统〔stout〕A garment size for a large or heavy figure.特大号:供身躯高大或过重者穿的衣服尺寸美国传统〔strain〕As you get older, excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart.随着年龄的增长,体重过重会给心脏造成很大负担。剑桥高阶〔strain〕Don't put too much strain upon the horse.别给这匹马以过重的负担。英汉大词典〔strain〕He strained his heart by overwork.他因过度劳累而使心脏负担过重英汉大词典〔strain〕Some of these exercises put too much strain on the back muscles.这些健身动作中有些令背部肌肉负担过重朗文当代〔superovulate〕To produce mature ova at an accelerated rate or in a large number at one time.排卵过量:在一段时期内排卵过重或排卵过度美国传统〔surcharge〕An additional or excessive burden; an overload.负荷过重过重负担;超载美国传统〔surcharge〕To place an excessive burden on; overload.加过重负担…上;超载美国传统〔term〕Teachers often feel overworked in term time (=during the term) .教师们在学期内经常觉得工作担子过重朗文当代〔try〕Did you try restarting the computer? 你试过重新启动计算机了吗?韦氏高阶〔weight〕His weight was harming his health.他体重过重, 有损健康。外研社新世纪〔weight〕His weight was harming his health.他体重过重,这有损他的健康。柯林斯高阶〔weigh〕If you weigh yourself down you'll get very tired.如果背得过重,你就会感到很累的。麦克米伦高阶〔wood〕Touch wood, I've been lucky enough to avoid any serious injuries.老天保佑, 我一直很幸运, 没有受过重伤。外研社新世纪〔zero〕To adjust the aim or sight of by repeated firings.调整归零:通过重复射击调整目标或视角美国传统All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress.各种压力接踵而至,他因负荷过重已有数周没来上班了。牛津商务As you get older, excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart.随着年龄的增加,体重过重会给心脏增加许多负担。剑桥国际He's overloaded with responsibilities.他承担的责任过重牛津商务The auxiliary units are called in only when the main force has been overtaxed. 只有在主力军承受过重压力时才会召来预备部队。译典通The boat is out of trim. 这船的一侧过重译典通The firm is seeking to cut its cost base by renegotiating salaries.公司正在通过重新协商工资,设法削减成本基数。牛津商务We can solve some of the problems by rejigging our assets.我们可以通过重新配置资产来解决其中的一些问题。牛津商务You can see it again on playback.你可以通过重放再看一遍。剑桥国际

