例句 SHARP1 sharp2 to make something sharp3 not sharpRELATED WORDSsee alsoCUTEND (4)1 sharp 锋利的 sharp /ʃɑːʳp/ [adjective] something that is sharp can easily cut things or make holes in them, because it has a very narrow blade or point 锋利的,锐利的,尖的 Be careful. That knife's very sharp. 当心,那把刀很锋利。 You'll need some sharp scissors. 你需要一把锋利的剪刀。 Puppies mean to be playful, but their sharp teeth can give you a nasty bite. 养小狗是为了好玩,但是小狗牙齿尖利,咬你一口就不得了。 razor-sharp /ˈreɪzəʳ ʃɑːʳp/ [adjective] extremely sharp and possibly dangerous 非常锋利的 His sword was a wicked weapon, three feet in length and razor-sharp. 他那把剑绝对是一把好剑,有三英尺长,锋利无比。 Over millions of years, some of the reptiles developed razor-sharp teeth. 有些爬行动物经过数百万年的进化长出了尖利的牙齿。 pointed /ˈpɔɪntɪd, ˈpɔɪntəd/ [adjective] long, thin, and ending in a point 有尖头的,尖的 He picked up a pointed stick and began drawing in the sand. 他捡起一根尖尖的棍子,在沙地上画了起来。 a plant with long pointed leaves 叶子长而尖的一种植物 jagged /ˈdʒægɪd, ˈdʒægəd/ [adjective] having an irregular edge with a lot of sharp points 锯齿状的,边缘不整齐的 Many ships have been torn apart on the jagged rocks that ring the shoreline. 围绕海岸线上的岩石犬牙交错,许多船只都被撞坏了。 The window had gone, and the floor was covered with jagged pieces of glass. 窗户没有了,地板上全是尖锐的玻璃碎片。 spiky /ˈspaɪki/ [adjective] having a lot of points 带尖刺的,有刺的 He had a leather jacket and short, spiky hair. 他穿了一件皮夹克,短短的头发尖尖地竖着。 Some corals are quite smooth, others are sharp and spiky. 有些珊瑚很光滑,有些则是锋利多刺。 a spiky cactus plant 带刺的仙人掌 prickly /ˈprɪkli/ [adjective] something that is prickly, especially a plant, is covered in a lot of sharp points 多刺的,布满刺的〔尤指植物〕 Keep prickly plants and bushes away from any paths and seats in the garden. 有刺的植物和灌木不要种植在花园里的人行小径或座椅旁边。 Sea urchins and starfish feel prickly to the touch. 海胆和海星摸上去有刺。2 to make something sharp 使某物锋利 sharpen /ˈʃɑːʳpən/ [transitive verb] Nick sat down at his desk, sharpened his pencil and began to draw. 尼克在他桌子旁边坐下来,削好铅笔开始画画。 My mother used a special stone to sharpen kitchen knives. 我母亲用一块特殊的石头磨菜刀。3 not sharp 不锋利的 blunt /blʌnt/ [adjective] I cut myself shaving with a blunt razor. 我用一把钝剃刀刮胡子,刮破了脸。 It's difficult to achieve a good result if you use blunt tools. 如果使用的工具不锋利,就很难达到好的效果。 a blunt pencil 一支写钝了的铅笔a blunt instrument something not sharp used as a weapon 钝器 Police say the victim was hit with a blunt instrument, possibly a hammer. 警方说被害者是被钝器击中的,有可能是锤子。

