例句 CLEAN1 not dirty2 completely clean so that diseases cannot spread3 when you keep things clean to prevent disease4 to clean a room, house etc5 to make something clean with a cloth6 to clean something with a brush7 to clean something with a special cleaning machine8 someone whose job is to clean thingsRELATED WORDSoppositeDIRTYclean something with water, soap etc 用水、肥皂等清洗某物 WASHto remove dirt, marks etc from something 去除某物上的脏物、印迹等 REMOVE (3-4, 7)see alsoTIDYSHINE/SHINY1 not dirty 不脏 clean /kliːn/ [adjective] not dirty 干净的,清洁的 He changed into a clean shirt. 他换了件干净的衬衫。 I'll put some clean sheets on the bed. 我要在床上铺上干净的床单。 A large house is difficult to keep clean. 大房子很难保持干净。nice and clean/lovely and clean British very clean 【英】很干净 Our hotel room was lovely and clean. 我们宾馆的客房非常干净。 spotlessly clean/spotless /ˌspɒtləsli ˈkliːnǁ ˌspɑːt-, ˈspɒtləsǁˈspɑːt-/ [adjective] completely clean - use this especially about clothes, rooms, or houses 〔尤指衣物、房间、房子等〕一尘不染的,极清洁的 Nina keeps the kitchen absolutely spotless. 尼娜把厨房料理得一尘不染。 He was wearing a spotlessly clean white shirt. 他穿着一件洁白的衬衫。 immaculate /ɪˈmækjɑlɪt, ɪˈmækjɑlət/ [adjective] things that are immaculate are completely clean and look new 清洁如新的 She wore an immaculate grey suit and a tasteful, blue woven hat. 她穿了洁净的灰色套装,头戴一顶高雅的蓝色绒线帽。 The house was absolutely immaculate. 那房子洁净如新。 spick and span /ˌspɪk ən ˈspæn/ [adjective phrase] a room or house that is spick and span is very clean and tidy 〔房间或房子〕十分整洁的 Every room in the house was spick and span. 那幢房子里的每个房间都十分整洁。 We'll have the place spick and span in no time. 我们要立刻把这个地方收拾得干干净净。2 completely clean so that diseases cannot spread 十分干净,因此疾病无法传播 clean /kliːn/ [adjective] Three out of five people in developing countries have no easy access to clean water. 发展中国家有五分之三的人口不易获得清洁的水。 The department is responsible for maintaining the bedrooms and public rooms in a clean and sanitary condition. 该部门负责保持卧室和公用房间清洁卫生。 pure /pjʊəʳ/ [adjective] water or air that is pure is completely clean and does not contain anything harmful such as dirt or bacteria 〔水或空气〕洁净的,纯净的 It felt good to get away from the city and breathe in some pure mountain air. 远离城市,呼吸山区清新的空气令人感到愉快。 The water in the lake is so pure you can drink it. 湖水非常纯净,可以饮用。 purity /ˈpjʊərɪti, ˈpjʊərəti/ [uncountable noun] There is concern about the purity of our tap water. 我们的自来水的纯净度令人担心。 hygienic /haɪˈdʒiːnɪkǁ-ˈdʒe-, -ˈdʒiː-/ [adjective] extremely clean so that diseases are unlikely to spread 卫生的 Cleansall kills germs as well, leaving your kitchen clean and hygienic. 万能清洁剂也能杀菌,使厨房清洁卫生。hygienic conditions Meat products must always be kept in hygienic conditions. 肉制品必须始终保存在卫生的环境里。 sterile /ˈsteraɪlǁ-rəl/ [adjective] completely clean, free from bacteria, and safe for medical or scientific purposes 无菌的,消过毒的 Red Cross officials say they are running short of disinfectant and sterile bandages. 红十字会官员称他们的消毒剂和无菌绷带快用完了。 Giving blood is perfectly safe. All equipment is sterile, used once and thrown away. 捐血很安全。所有用具都消过毒,用后即弃。3 when you keep things clean to prevent disease 使物品干净以防疾病 hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ [uncountable noun] the practice of keeping yourself and the place where you live or work clean, so that diseases cannot spread 卫生 Restaurants may be closed down if they fail to maintain minimum standards of hygiene. 达不到最低卫生标准的餐馆可能要关闭。 Schools should have policies to ensure good hygiene in kitchen areas. 学校应当有政策以确保厨房区域卫生状况良好。personal hygiene the practice of keeping your body clean 个人卫生 A healthy lifestyle includes having a nutritious diet and good personal hygiene. 健康的生活方式包括营养丰富的膳食和良好的个人卫生习惯。 disinfect /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt, ˌdɪsənˈfekt/ [transitive verb] to use chemicals to clean a place, a piece of equipment, or a wound, in order to prevent disease 〔用化学品〕为…消毒,为…杀菌 The nurse cleaned and disinfected the cuts on his hands. 护士清理他手上的伤口并且消毒。 Disinfect the toilet regularly using bleach. 定期用漂白剂给抽水马桶消毒。 sterilize also sterilise British /ˈsterɪlaɪz, ˈsterəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to make something safe to use by heating it or using chemicals, in order to kill all bacteria and prevent disease - use this about medical or scientific equipment, or babies’ bottles 为…消毒〔杀菌〕〔尤用于医疗器械、科学装备或奶瓶〕 Has the needle been sterilized? 针消过毒了吗? Babies’ bottles can be sterilized simply by boiling them in water. 奶瓶放在水里煮就能消毒。4 to clean a room, house etc 打扫房间、房子等 clean /kliːn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to make something clean by removing the dirt, dust etc 清扫;把…弄干净 I clean the windows every Saturday. 每个星期六我都擦窗。 Tony was cleaning the inside of his car. 托尼在清扫自己汽车的内部。 How often do you clean the kitchen? 你多久打扫一次厨房?clean something up/clean up something remove dirt by cleaning, especially in a room, from a floor etc 打扫某物 There was mud all over the carpet, and it took me a long time to clean it up. 地毯上全是泥,我花了很长时间才弄干净。clean your teeth British I always clean my teeth last thing at night. 我晚上做的最后一件事总是刷牙。clean behind/under etc Make sure you clean behind the stove. 一定要把炉子后面清扫干净。 cleaning [uncountable noun] when you clean things, especially in a room, or a house 清理;清扫 I spent the whole weekend cleaning. 整个周末我都在打扫。do the cleaning Her husband does most of the cleaning. 她丈夫做大部分的打扫工作。 clean out /ˌkliːn ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to completely clean a room, cupboard etc, especially by taking everything out and putting it back in neatly 彻底打扫,彻底清理 clean out something The apartment needs to be cleaned out before a new tenant can move in. 在新房客搬进来以前,先要把公寓彻底打扫一番。 I think it's time we cleaned out the garage. 我觉得我们应该把车库彻底打扫一下了。clean something out We really need to clean the refrigerator out. 我们的确需要把冰箱彻底清理一下。 spring-clean /ˌsprɪŋ ˈkliːn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to clean your whole house very thoroughly, including things that you do not clean very often 大扫除 Barry spent the day spring-cleaning. 巴里用了整天时间大扫除。 I want to spring-clean the whole apartment before Easter. 我想在复活节前把整间公寓打扫一下。 housework /ˈhaʊswɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] the things that you do to keep your house clean and tidy 家务〔劳动〕 Housework takes up most of my time in the evenings. 晚上,做家务占用了我大部分时间。do (the) housework I hate doing housework so I pay someone to do it for me. 我讨厌做家务,所以花钱雇人来做。5 to make something clean with a cloth 用布擦净某物 wipe /waɪp/ [transitive verb] to remove dirt or liquid from something using a slightly wet cloth 〔用布〕抹,擦干 The waiter was wiping the tables. 那个服务员在擦桌子。wipe something up If you spill any paint, wipe it up immediately. 油漆溅出来的话,必须马上把它擦掉。wipe up something Wipe up all that mess before you begin cooking. 开始做饭前,把溅出来的食物擦干净。 dust /dʌst/ [transitive verb] to remove dust from furniture, shelves etc using a soft cloth 〔用软布〕除去…的灰尘 She decided to dust the dining room furniture again. 她决定把饭厅的家具再擦一遍。dust behind/under etc A thorough cleaning includes dusting under the wardrobes. 彻底打扫包括清除衣橱下面的灰尘。 She didn't often dust behind the pictures. 她不常清除照片后面的灰尘。 polish /ˈpɒlɪʃǁˈpɑː-/ [transitive verb] to make something clean and shiny, for example your shoes or a piece of furniture, by rubbing it with a cloth or brush 〔用布或刷子〕擦光,擦亮 He polished the piano until the wood shone. 他把钢琴擦得光亮。 a polished wooden floor 擦得很亮的木地板 shine /ʃaɪn/ [transitive verb] to make shoes clean and shiny by rubbing or polishing them with a brush or cloth and shoe polish 擦亮〔鞋子〕 If you're coming, you'd better shine your shoes and put on a clean shirt. 你要是来的话,最好把鞋子擦亮,穿一件干净衬衫。have/get your shoes shined You should have your shoes shined before the interview. 面试前你得把鞋子擦亮。 shine [singular noun] Those shoes need a shine to be shined. 那双鞋子该擦擦了。6 to clean something with a brush 用刷子清理某物 brush /brʌʃ/ [transitive verb] to clean something with a brush You should brush your jacket -- it's covered in dust. 你得刷一下外套—上面全是灰尘。brush something off I brushed the crumbs off the sofa. 我把沙发上的食物碎屑刷掉。brush your teeth Have you brushed your teeth yet? 你刷过牙了吗? scrub /skrʌb/ [transitive verb] to clean something by rubbing it hard with a brush and some water or soap 〔用刷子、肥皂和水〕用力擦洗 Part of my job was to wash the dishes and scrub the floors. 我的一部分工作是洗碟子和擦洗地板。 Scrub the potatoes and boil them for 5-10 minutes. 把马铃薯擦洗干净,煮5-10分钟。 sweep /swiːp/ [transitive verb] to clean the floor or the ground using a brush with a long handle 〔用扫把〕扫,清扫 When everyone had left, Ed swept the floor. 所有人都离开后,埃德扫地了。sweep up something/sweep something up remove something from a floor by sweeping 清扫某物 Can you help me sweep up all the pieces of glass? 你来帮我把地上的碎玻璃扫干净,好吗? scour /skaʊəʳ/ [transitive verb] to rub a cooking pan or hard surface with a piece of rough material in order to clean it 〔用粗糙物〕擦净〔锅或硬物表面〕 I scoured the pots and pans. 我把坛坛罐罐擦干净。 Scour the bowl with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. 把醋和小苏打混合后擦碗。7 to clean something with a special cleaning machine 用专门的机器清理某物 vacuum also hoover British /ˈvækjuəm, -kjʊm, ˈhuːvəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to clean something using a special machine that sucks dirt up off the floor etc 用真空吸尘器打扫;吸尘 Have you vacuumed the carpets? 你用吸尘器清扫过地毯了吗? You do the hoovering and I'll finish the kitchen. 你吸尘,我打扫厨房。8 someone whose job is to clean things 工作是清洁某物的人 cleaner /ˈkliːnəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who is paid to clean a house or office 清洁工 We finish work at six, and then the cleaners come in. 我们6点下班,那时清洁工上班。 a window cleaner 窗户清洁工 cleaner's/dry cleaner's /ˈkliːnəʳz, ˌdraɪ ˈkliːnəʳz/ [countable noun] a shop where you can take your clothes to be cleaned, especially with chemicals, not water 干洗店;洗衣店 My suit is at the dry cleaner's. 我的西装送去干洗了。 Can you collect my dress from the cleaner's? 去干洗店把我的裙子拿回来,好吗?

