
词组 forgive

■ forgive

这个及物动词“原谅,宽恕”、“免除(债务)”(属瞬时体,第四类动词)的搭配,可以是 to forgive somebody/something(即单宾语,人或事),或 to forgive somebody something(即双宾语,指人的间接宾语在前,指事的直接宾语在后),或 to forgive somebody for something(即单宾语,指人,加上 for 引入事)。

  • Julie would never have forgiven him.朱丽本来怎么也不会原谅他。
  • Sins cannot be undone, but only forgiven.罪孽无法消除,但是可以赦免。
  • I forgave him everything.我一切都原谅了他。
  • They forgave him the whole amount he owed them.他欠他们的,他们全都免除了。
  • He forgave her the wrong she'd done him.她对不起他的事,他原谅了。

在 to forgive somebody for something 中的 for something 不是“原谅”的原因,而是得到“原谅”的错事。这个 something 可以是名词,也可以是动名词。

  • I'll never forgive him for what he did.他做的事我决不原谅。
  • I can't forgive him for not understanding that love is so necessary for a child.他不懂得,爱对于一个孩子来说,是多么的重要,对此,我不能原谅他。


  • Do you think Judas should be forgiven for betraying Jesus?你认为犹大出卖耶稣应该得到原谅吗?


  • They forgave him his offenses. 他们原谅了他的冒犯(可以改为:His offenses were forgiven him. 或者 He was forgiven his offenses.)。
  • We all want to be forgiven our sins.我们大家都希望自己的罪孽得到赦免。
  • They could be forgiven any brutality, any failure, any personal excess, provided they were loyal to him.只要他们忠于他,那就无论犯下任何暴行,造成任何失败,个人如何胡作非为,都可以得到原谅。

但通常原有的主语不再出现(很少用 by...)。


