
词组 report

■ report

1) report 作为不及物动词,report to somebody 可以有三个意义:

a) 向某人提供口头或书面的、有内容的报告(是个瞬时动作的第四类动词)。

  • We're to report to the director this afternoon.我们定于今天下午向局长报告。

b) 向某人或某机构报到(只是报到,表示开始服务,并不提供有内容的报告,也是个第四类动词)。

  • The jurors were to report to court the next morning.陪审员们要次日上午向法院报到。

报到的目的可以用 for 引入。

  • I report to the office for duty at 9:00 a. m.我九点正到办公室报到值班。
  • He had to report to the police for interrogation.他不得不到警署去报到,接受询问。


  • You're supposed to report yourself to the principal.你应该向校长报到。

c) (下级)受(上级)的领导,要向上级请示汇报(是个表示延续状态的第一类动词),如果说的是现在,可以直接用一般现在时。

  • The Secretary of State reports directly to the President.国务卿直接向总统负责。

这个一般现在时的动词必然是表现延续状态而非瞬时动作的,不会有误解。但是如果说的是过去,则 reported 既可以表示隶属或领导关系的延续状态,也可以表示瞬时动作(“向某上级提交一份书面或口头报告”),因此,除非前后文表明这是状态而非动作,否则用一般过去时可能会发生歧义,最好在表示状态时改为 was/ were to report to,以代替光秃秃的 reported to。

2) report 作为及物动词,直接宾语如果是人,意思是“告发”、“检举”(第四类动词)。后面也可以再加上 to inf. 或动词现在或过去分词,意思就不是“告发”,而是报告直接宾语处于何种情况。

  • She reported her child missing.她报了警,说孩子丢失了。

这个用法,也可以转换为被动语态(被动语态可以是延续的,所以可以用一般现在时)。此时,实际上被 report 的,并不是原先的主语,而是原先的主语加上 to inf 或动词现在分词或过去分词所表明的整件事情。

  • A ship is reported missing. (= It's reported that a ship is missing.)据报告,有一艘船下落不明。
  • Four people were reported killed. (= Four people were reported to have been killed. = It was reported that four people had been killed.)据报道有四人丧生。
  • Dr. Brown is reported to be the best eye doctor in this town. (= It is reported that Dr. Brown is the best eye doctor in this town.)据报道,布朗大夫是本镇最好的眼科医生。

这种情况,其他一些动词如 seem, believe, fear, say, think 等也有类似的。


