
单词 nevermore
释义 nevermore, adv. (n.)
Also α. 3 nauere mare, 4–5 neuer-mar, 4–6 -mare, 6 -mair. β. 3–4 neuer(e)-mor, etc.
[f. never adv. + more adv.]
A. adv. Never again, at no future time.
αc1205Lay. 26845 Ne scalt þu nauere mare þi lif þenne lede.Ibid. 32236 Næuere seoððen mære kinges neoren here.a1300Cursor M. 484 He ne has merci neuer-mare.Ibid. 10055 Þe welle o grace..þat fines neuermar to rin.1375Barbour Bruce i. 166 The tothir..swar That he suld have it neuir-mar.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxvii. (Machor) 1374 Forsuth þe lewe sall I neuirmare.1508Dunbar Gold. Targe 222, I saw hir nevir mare.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 15 They salbe saif, and neuer mair shall dee.
βc1220Bestiary 618 Ðoȝ he ðre hundred ȝer..wuneden her, bigeten he neuermor non.c1250Gen. & Ex. 1240 Wende ȝhe it coueren neuere mor.c1325Chron. Eng. 570 in Ritson Metr. Rom. II. 294 Neuermore he nolde come..In the bed.1390Gower Conf. I. 203 This sorghfull king was so bestad, That he schal nevermor be glad.1507Comunyc. (W. de W.) c iij, And than to lyue and neuermore dye.1581Rich Farew. (1846) 208, I will never more contende with thee duryng life.1634Milton Comus 559 Silence..wish't she might..be never more Still to be so displac't.1671P.R. iv. 610 He never more henceforth will dare set foot In Paradise.a1859De Quincey Posth. Wks. (1891) I. 261 Nevermore will it be excited by mere court intrigue.1871–74J. Thomson City Dreadf. Nt. xvi. vii, This chance recurreth never, nevermore.
B. as n.
1951Koestler Age of Longing ii. v. 257 The evermore of desire and the nevermore of satiety.1952R. Campbell tr. Baudelaire's Poems 50 It's by such charms the Never-more Intoxicates us in the Now.

