“New Yorker”的英英意思

单词 New Yorker
释义 New ˈYorker
An inhabitant or native of the state or city of New York. Also attrib., pertaining to or characteristic of the magazine The New Yorker (founded 1925).
1756Washington Lett. Writ. 1889 I. 315 The Jerseys and New Yorkers, I do not remember what it is they give.1798I. Allen Hist. Vermont 43 The New Yorkers..sent warrants into that county.1859G. H. Lewes Let. 6 Sept. in Geo. Eliot's Lett. (1954) III. 146 To-day a letter has come from the editor of a ‘Parish Magazine’—and really G. E. was almost more likely to be tempted by that audience than by the New Yorkers.1871Longfellow in Life (1891) III. 181 It is a grand plan; I hope it will strike the New Yorkers.1884Matthews & Bunner In Partnership 127 ‘Are you a New Yorker, sir?’ ‘From the north of the State.’1902Chambers's Jrnl. July 450/1 The New Yorker defends this wretched state of affairs by a peculiar argument.1916H. L. Wilson Somewhere in Red Gap 398 The New Yorker was now sunk deep in a trance.1934Fortune Aug. 75/1 No advertising man is believed, by the editors, ever to have understood a New Yorker joke.1948Hearst's International May 175/1 Literary critics and editors of other magazines are always referring to ‘The New Yorker style of writing’.1948N.Y. Star 30 June 14/3 The Board of Transportation is appealing to New Yorkers to put up patiently with the confusion.1951R. Hoggart Auden iii. 68 We consign much of this to the part of the mind which is tickled but put on its guard by the ‘New Yorker’ profiles.1959Times Lit. Suppl. 2 Jan. 4/2 He surveys the established Old Guard.., the new ‘realists’.., the New Yorker School.1974Times 4 Mar. 14/8 Brenda Bedansky, a New Yorker, dressed to resemble a man trying to look like Marlene Dietrich.
Hence New ˈYorkerish a., characteristic or reminiscent of the magazine The New Yorker; New ˈYorkerism, an idiom, expression, or word peculiar to The New Yorker.
1948H. F. Pringle in '48: Magazine of Yr. Apr. 87/2 His [sc. H. W. Ross's] sense of comedy is properly New Yorkerish and fantastic.1951Time 22 Oct. 102/2 Many a New Yorkerism (e.g., Cartoonist Carl Rose's ‘I say it's spinach, and I say the hell with it’) has become a part of the language.1961Punch 4 Jan. 81/3 The drawings..[are] well suited to the captions, many of which have a New Yorkerish elliptical quality.1967Guardian 20 Oct. 7/4 Just another New Yorkerish monologue.1970D. L. Emblen Peter Mark Roget xv. 276 Punch in its New Yorkerish way, picking up a slip in some Scottish paper.

