
单词 nonsunt
释义 nonsunt Sc. Obs.
Also -sount, ? -sant.
[Two words of the legend on the reverse of the coin, which runs iam . non . svnt . dvo . sed . vna . caro . ‘they are no more twain, but one flesh’ (Matt. xix. 6).]
The twelve-penny groat coined under Francis and Mary (1558–9).
1564in Pitcairn Crim. Trials I. 440 Tressonabill cunȝeing off diuerse fals Testonis, half Testonis, Non suntis, and Lyones callit Hardheidis.1567Sc. Acts Parl. (1814) III. 43/2 It is thocht neidfull that all nonsunt be proclamit to vj d, babeis to iij d, plakis to ij d, hardheidis to half pennyis.1584Reg. Privy Council Scot. III. 706 Fals and adulterat cunyie of nonsantis.

