
单词 overmod
释义 ˈovermod, n. Obs.
[OE. ofermód = OHG. ubarmuot (MHG. übermuot, Ger. übermuth), MDu. overmôd (Du. overmoed): cf. OS. oƀarmôdi; f. ofer over + mód mood.]
‘High-mindedness’, pride, haughtiness.
993Battle of Maldon 89 Ða se eorl ongann for his ofer⁓mode alyfan landes to fela laðere þeode.a1000Cædmon's Gen. 272 (Gr.) Feala worda ᵹespræc se engel ofermodes.c1175Lamb. Hom. 9 For his ouer-mod, oðer for his prude.
So ˈovermod a. [OE. ofermód], proud, haughty; overˈmodi a. [OE. ofermódiᵹ]= prec.; overˈmodiness [OE. ofermódiᵹness].
971Blickl. Hom. 61 Þa oformodan men.c1000Ags. Gosp. Mark vii. 22 Sceamleast, yfel ᵹesihð, dysinessa, ofermodiᵹnessa.c1000Sax. Leechd. III. 191 Mæden tacn on neccan hæfð oððe on þeo, ofermodiᵹ, þancfull, þriste on lichaman mid maneᵹum werum.c1175Lamb. Hom. 5 Ne beo þu þereuore prud ne..ouer modi.Ibid. 19 Prude and ouer⁓modinesse.c1275Sinners Beware 269 in O.E. Misc. 81 And wo is þenne þe ouermode Þat er þar-of ne rouhte.c1300Regret Maximian 57 (MS. Digby 86 lf. 135/1) Ich wes to overmod [rime blod].

