
单词 peytral
释义 ˈpeytral, n. Obs. exc. Hist.
Forms: 4 (9–) peytral, 4–5 -elle, 4–7 -el, 5–6 -ell; 6 -erel, 7 -il; 6–7 peit(t)rel(l; 4 paytrel, 5–6 -ell(e, -ylle, paitrell, patrelle, 6 pattrell; (5 pettryll), 6 petrel(l, -il, -al, peterell, 6–7 pet(t)rel(l, (6 pewtrell, peutral, -il).
[ME. a. AF. peitrel = OF. peitral (mod.F. poitrail) = Sp. petral, It. petrale:—L. pectorāle breast-plate, neuter of pectorālis adj., f. pectus, pector- breast: see pectoral.]
A piece of armour to protect the breast of a horse (often richly ornamented, and retained for ornament after its defensive use had passed away); occas. also applied to a breast-collar: = poitrel.
13..Coer de L. 5713 Hys crouper heeng al full off belles, And hys peytrel, and hys arsoun.c1380Sir Ferumb. 3665 Brydel & paytrel & al þe gere Wiþ fyn gold y-harneysed were.c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 11 Aboute the peytrel stood the foom ful hiȝe.1483Cath. Angl. 271/2 A Patrelle, antela, pectorale.1513Douglas æneis vii. v. 194 Thair brusit trappouris and patrellis.1552Huloet, Pewtrell for a horse, antela.1555Eden Decades 271 When theyr peitrels or drawynge collers are put on them.1556Withals Dict. (1568) 39 a/1 A peterell, antilena.1558T. Phaer æneid vii. T ij, Horses..Their brestes embroydryd gylt, their paitrells pendant compasfolde.a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. (1629) 272 His petrell and raines, were embrodered with feathers sutable vnto it.1600F. Walker Sp. Mandeville 143 b, Besides the ordinary gyrths and peutrals, comming ouer their breast and belly.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 240 That neither girths, peytril, sturrops, trappings, or crupyard, fall betwixt the Back and Saddle.1653Urquhart Rabelais i. v, It is enough to break both girths and pettrel.1656Blount Glossogr., Petrel, see Pectoral.Ibid., Pectoral, a brest-plate or defence for the brest, a Peitrel, Poitrel, or Stomacher.1894H. A. L. Dillon in W. J. Loftie Authorised Guide to Tower of London (ed. 2) 147 Note also the horse armour consisting of the chanfrein for the head, the crinet for the neck, and the bard protecting the body, that is, the peytral on the chest, the flanches on the sides, and the crupper covering the hinder portion of the horse.1926Fine Armour (Christie's Sale Catal. 29 June) 4 A Peytrel for the Horse, of three plates of plain bright steel.Ibid. 15 A Horse Chanfron and Peytrel Plates.1929Archaeologia LXXIX. 242 The two sales of the armoury of Prince Radziwill..included no less than 22 chanfrons and 15 peytrals of Maximilian date.1953Proc. Prehistoric Soc. XIX. 175 The object was claimed to be a ‘peytrel’ or chest ornament for a small horse.1962J. Mann Wallace Coll. Catal.: European Arms & Armour I. 12 Peytral of five large plates.1967Punch 29 Nov. 809/3 If some hulking great brute..were to straddle an already overburdened war-horse, the whole caboodle would collapse in a sorry ruin of pauldron and salade, breastplate and roundel, cantle, crupper, greave, flanchard, peytral, chanfron and crinet.
Hence ˈpeytral v. trans., to put a peytral on. Obs.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. v. 23 Sette my sadel vppon soffre-til-ich-see-my-tyme; Let peitrel hym and pole hym.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. xix. (Roxb.) 165/1 Mounted on a Pettrelled or Barded courser.

