
单词 mundal
释义 ˈmundal, a. Obs. rare.
[ad. med.L. mundāl-is, f. mund-us world. Cf. mundial.]
Mundane, worldly.
1614Sir T. Dale in Capt. Smith Virginia iv. (1624) 117 Leauing all contenting pleasures and mundall delights, to reside here with much turmoile.1631Capt. Smith Advt. Planters 33 They have builded many pretty Villages, faire houses, and Chapels, which are growne good Benefices of 120. pounds a yeare, besides their owne mundall industry.
? Taken as n. = the world (i.e. this earth).
1534Coventry Corpus Chr. Plays ii. 187 From the hy pales and blys eyuerlastyng Downe into this wale and meserabull mvndall [MS. fragm. Down into the vale off this mezerabull mundall].

