
单词 plum-cake
释义 plum-cake
A cake containing raisins, currants, and often orange-peel and other preserved fruits. As to the name, cf. plum-broth.
1635[Glapthorne] Lady Mother iii. ii. in Bullen O. Pl. II. 148 Your Schoolefellow With whome you usd to walk to Pimblicoe To eate plumbe cakes and creame.1664Butler Hud. ii. ii. 798 And cramm'd 'em..With Cawdle, Custard, and Plum-cake.1774Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry lxi. (1840) III. 396 The splendid iceing of an immense historic plumb-cake, was embossed with a delicious basso-relievo of the destruction of Troy.1859W. Collins Q. of Hearts ii, Hadn't we better begin..by getting her a plum-cake?

