
单词 Mameluke
释义 Mameluke Obs. exc. Hist.|ˈmæməl(j)uːk|
Forms: 6 mam(m)oluke, mam(m)eluc(k, mammaluke, 6–8 mamaluk, 6–9 -luke, 7 mammeluke, mamaluch, mameluch, mammaluck, mamuluke, pl. after It. form mamaluchi, mamaluc(c)hy, 7–8 mamaluc(k, 8 mamaluque, mameluc, 6– mameluke. Also 9 mamlouk, mamluk(e, memlo(o)k.
[Ultimately a. Arab. mamlūk slave, a subst. use of the pa. pple. of malaka to possess. The Turkish pronunciation is (mɛmluːk); cf. med.L. mameluc, mameluchus (12th c.), OF. mameluz, mamelos (mod.F. mameluk, mamelouk), Sp., Pg. mameluco, It. mammaluco.]
1. A member of the military body, originally composed of Caucasian slaves, which seized the throne of Egypt in 1254, and continued to form the ruling class in that country until the early part of the 19th century.
The Mameluke sultans reigned from 1254 to 1517, when the Ottoman Sultan Selim I assumed the sovereignty. Subsequently Egypt was governed, under the nominal rule of a Turkish viceroy, by 24 Mameluke beys. In 1811 the Mamelukes remaining after the French war were massacred by Mohammed Ali, pasha of Egypt.
1511Sir R. Guylforde Pilgr. (Camden) 13 There was a grete Ambasset of the soldans towardes Venyce, that hadde in his companye many Mamolukes.1529More Dyaloge iv. Wks. 279/2 Mammolukes and Genisaries about y⊇ Turk and Sowdan, haue vsed to christen their children of purpose.1586T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. i. (1594) 598 Not long since the souldan of Cayre [was elected] out of the mammelucks.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa viii. 320 Certaine principall Mamalukes..euerie of whom was captaine of a thousand inferiour Mamaluks; and their office was to conduct the Soldans forces.1648C. Walker Hist. Independ. i. 145 [The Egyptians lived] under vassalage to their own Mamaluchi or Mercenaries.1658Earl of Monmouth tr. Paruta's Wars Cyprus 46 It was taken by the aid of the mamalucchy, by James son to the same King illegitimate.1704Collect. Voy. (Churchill) III. 587/2 Most of the Mamaluques.. were slain.1796Bp. Watson Apol. Bible vi. 59 It [Egypt] became subject..to the Mamalucs, and now is a province of the Turkish empire.1796H. Hunter tr. St.-Pierre's Stud. Nat. (1799) III. 463 The twelve Beys of Egypt, chosen from among the Mamelucs.1801Wellington Memorandum in Gurw. Desp. I. 314 Supposing that the Mamelukes should be inclined to shake off the French yoke and to co-operate with us.1813Byron Br. Abydos i. viii, With Maugrabee and Mamaluke, His way amid his Delis [he] took.1845E. Warburton Cresc. & Cross vii. 57 The Mamelukes were young Georgian or Circassian slaves.
attrib.1772Ann. Reg. 18 The Mamaluck system.1856Freeman Saracens iv. (1870) 158 The Mameluke Sultans.
2. A slave (in Muslim countries).
1600Hakluyt Voy. III. 718, I shall presently banish all the Mamalukes and white men which dwell in any of those Indian townes.1836Lane Mod. Egypt. I. 163 Few of the Egyptians have memlooks, or male white slaves.1844Mem. Babylonian P'cess II. 179 His Mamelukes, both white and black.1884J. Payne Tales fr. Arabic I. 236 Now the Persian had a mameluke, as he were the full moon.
3. fig. A ‘fighting slave’ of the Pope, etc.
1531Tindale Exp. 1 John (1538) 41 Many..are be come the Antichristes of Romes mamelukes.1679‘Tom Ticklefoot’ Trials Wakeman, etc. 9 When they were listed amongst the Pope's Mamalukes.1680Bolron Papist's Oath Secrecy 7 That Oath which Blessed Ignatius Loyola imposed upon his Spiritual Mamaluks.1833Coleridge Table-t. 18 Apr., So long as the Bishop of Rome remains Pope, and has an army of Mamelukes all over the world, we shall do very little.1902Contemp. Rev. Dec. 788 The Assumptionists are mere mamelukes of the Vatican.
4. attrib.: mameluke-bit, the heavy iron bit used by the Mamelucos of Brazil (see Mameluco); mameluke point, the long double-edged cutting point of the Mameluke sabre; mameluke sleeve, a fashion of sleeve worn by women in Paris under the First Empire.
1826Sir F. B. Head Pampas 177, I..took the iron *mameluke-bit out of his mouth.
1809Visct. Valentia Voy. III. 307 They [sabres] were all Persian, but some had been lengthened in Egypt at both ends, so as to give the *Mameluke point, which cuts both ways.
1898M. Loyd tr. Uzanne's Fashion in Paris iii. 55 Towards the close of the [First] Empire, when..*mameluke sleeves, and hair dressed à l'enfant, struck a feudal and gothic note.
Hence ˈMamelukedom fig., the condition of being a Mameluke or fighting slave. ˈMamelukery fig., a body of ‘Mamelukes’, a party of enslaved depredators.
1824Landor Imag. Conv., Leopold & du Paty Wks. 1853 I. 53/1 Our spiritual Mamelukery is as ambitious of power and riches as if it had children to inherit them.1900Contemp. Rev. Mar. 455 The reduction of an entire nation to intellectual serfdom and moral Mamelukedom.

