
单词 nurseling
释义 nursling, nurseling|ˈnɜːslɪŋ|
Also 6–7 nurce-, 6, 8 nours-, and 6 -lynge.
[f. nurse n. + -ling.]
1. The object of a nurse's care; an infant or child in relation to its nurse.
1607Earl Stirling J. Cæsar v. Chor., The nurceling of a Wolfe o're men did raigne.1671Milton Samson 633, I was his nursling once and choice delight.1693Dryden Persius ii. 75 A Body made of Brass the Crone demands For her lov'd Nursling.1784Cowper Task ii. 771 Now, blame we most the nurslings or the nurse?1814Scott Ld. of Isles i. vii, She..knew her nursling's heart In the vain pomp took little part.1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. iv. i. I. (1865) 275 She saw now her little nurseling grown to be a brilliant man and King.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 872 Mothers and wet-nurses suffering from the disease..infecting their nurslings.
b. transf. of persons, in various applications.
1557More's Wks. 1456, I haue been now almost this fourtie yeares, not a geaste, but a continuall nurslynge in maister Bonuice house.1601Holland Pliny I. 159 Thou that standest so much vpon Fortunes fauors,..taking thy self not to be a foster-child and nurceling of hers, but a naturall son.1664H. More Myst. Iniq., Apol. 542 A limited indulgence..to their weak but sincere Nurselings [in religion].1733Tickell Her Majesty's Rebuilding 23 Thy Nurslings, ancient Dome! to virtue form'd.1748Thomson Cast. Indol. ii. xxi, Where Isis many a famous noursling breeds.1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. i. (Bohn) 6 These nurslings of improved pedagogy are taught to dispute and decide.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. I. 515 Charles V was the child and nursling of that Burgundian court.1872A. de Vere Legends St. Patrick, St. Patrick & Armagh Cathedral, Men of might, Fierce men, the battle's nurslings.
c. transf. of things.
1591Spenser Virg. Gnat 282 A litle noursling of the humid ayre, A Gnat.1608Sylvester Du Bartas ii. Colonies 256 Each Hive supplying new-com Colonies (Heav'n's tender Nurcelings) to those fragrant mountains.1656Culpepper Eng. Physic. Enlarged 116 The last [sc. garden Gromel] is a Nursling in the Gardens of the curious.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. ii. 500 Upward while they shoot in open Air, Indulge their Childhood, and the Nurselings spare.1750Johnson Rambler No. 74 ⁋12 Peevishness..is much oftener..the child of vanity, and nursling of ignorance.1835I. Taylor Spir. Despot. iv. 174 The inevitable product of evil times—the child of oppression, and the nurseling of persecution.1874Geo. Eliot Coll. Breakf. P. 44 The daily nurslings of creative light.
2. attrib., as nursling babe, nursling boat, nursling child, nursling imp.
1793Wordsw. Descrip. Sketches 176 A nursling babe her only comforter.1818Shelley Rosal. & Helen 590, I am weak like a nursling child.1860Holmes Prof. Breakf.-t. xi, Nursling imps addict themselves..to these little excrescences.1884Daily News 6 Sept. 5/7 Many sailors still argue for the old system of the nurseling boat carried by the great ship.

