
单词 resiant
释义 resiant, a. and n. Now arch.|ˈrɛzɪənt|
Forms: 5 receande, resceant, -aunte, resseaunt, 5–6 (9) reseant (7 ree-); 5 ressi-, 5–7 resiaunt (6 -aunte, resyant, -aunt(e), 6 resiant (6 -ante, 7 -ent, resciant, -ent).
[a. OF. reseant (rec-, resc-, resseant, etc.), pres. pple. of reseoir:—L. residēre: see reside v.1]
A. adj.
1. Resident, dwelling; abiding. In predicative use, or placed after the n., sometimes in pl. form. Obs. (Common c 1450–1650.)
a. Of persons.
c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 7544 In durham mynster þare he fande Certayn seculers receande.1482Rolls of Parlt. VI. 198/1 The persone..with whom they were dwellyng, reseant or resortyng.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 140 In whatsoeuer place of the worlde he is resyaunte or maketh his abode.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xvi. iv. 401 Certaine divells speake onelie the language of that countrie where they are resiant.1611B. Jonson Catiline iv. iv, I have already Dealt, by Umbrenus, with the Allobroges Here resiant in Rome.1670Cosin's Corr. (Surtees) II. 242 The names of all the convicted women recusants..who were resiant in Durham.1752J. Louthian Form of Process (ed. 2) 178 If any Person so outlawed for High Treason shall..be Resiant or Inhabitant out of the Limits of the Kingdom. [1865Nichols Britton II. 224 If the lord is sure that the proof will be made against the villain, that he was his astrer, reseant in his villenage.]
pl.1491Act 7 Hen. VII, c. 5 §1 They and their successours and their tenauntes and servauntes Resceauntes uppon their londes.c1530in Burnet Hist. Ref. II. 189 That the said Prelates..continually should be abiding and Reseants upon their said Promotions within this Realm.
b. Of things.
1581Mulcaster Positions xxxvii. (1887) 153 The plat for the monarchicall learner being alwaye reseant in the chusers head.a1624Bp. Smith Serm. (1632) 189 A King..that hath the Spirit of the liuing God resiant in him.1681T. Flatman Heraclitus Ridens No. 15 (1713) I. 101 The People..would have been apt to believe a certain Sovereignty even Paramount to the Kings, to be resiant in the House of Commons.
c. Settled, occupied. Obs. rare—1.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. (1882) 140 Wee must refrain all bodily labours, to the end that wee may the better be resiant at these spirituall exercises vppon the Sabaoth day.
2. In attributive use:
a. Of residence or stay.
b. = resident a. 2. Obs. rare.
1593Nashe Christ's T. 61 Is a Monarche no Monarch, because hee reareth not his resiant Throne amongst his vtmost Subiects?1600Holland Livy i. xx. 14 To the end they should attend continually about the church, as resiant chaplaines.
B. n. A resident. Now rare.
1433Rolls of Parlt. IV. 476/1 The most true and indifferent Commoners, Burgeys, Resceantz, continuell Hous⁓holders.1533More Apol. xxxv. Wks. 900/2 In the cytye selfe, eyther of resiauntes therin, or of resorters thereto.1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1308/1 Desirous to be a dweller and resiant in his countrie where he was borne.1624Bp. R. Montagu Immed. Addr. 103 Being Resiants in those heauenly habitations.1641Heylin Hist. Episc. i. vi. (1657) 179 [189], A thing which could not possibly be supposed..had he beene here a resiant.1738Hist. View Crt. Excheq. i. 4 All Quarrels that were moved between the Resiants there.1787Hawkins Life Johnson 455 To his villa at Streatham, in Surrey, Johnson was invited not as a guest, but as a resiant.1839Stonehouse Axholme 133 This John granted the famous deed..to his tenants and resiants in the Isle of Axholme. [1867T. C. Anstey Notes Repr. People Act 49 Sometimes even in exclusion of the ‘common right of all the Resiants’.]
Comb.1753Chambers Cycl. Suppl., Resiant rolls, are rolls wherein the resiants of a tithing, &c., are set down.

