
单词 Priscillianist
释义 Priscillianist, n. and a.|prɪˈsɪlɪənɪst|
[= F. Priscillianiste, ad. med.L. Priscillianista, f. Priscilliān-us Priscillian: see -ist.]
A. n.
1. A disciple of Priscillian, bishop of Avila, in Spain, in the 4th c., who taught doctrines alleged to be Gnostic or Manichæan.
1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 506 Manie..amongst the Christians haue imagined that the soules of men are the substance of God. I omit to speake of the heretikes, as the Priscilianists, & some others that haue been of this opinion.1680Baxter Answ. Stillingfl. lxxiv. 95 Our Quakers are much like the Priscillianists.1834Penny Cycl. II. 528/2 The doctrine of astrology was among the errors imputed to the Priscillianists.
2. A name sometimes given to the Montanists, from Priscilla, the name of one of the two women associated with Montanus.
1874in J. H. Blunt Dict. Sects.
B. adj. Of or pertaining to the Priscillianists or their doctrines.
1887Dict. Chr. Biog. IV. 476/2 A specimen of the Priscillianist allegorical treatment of the Christian Scriptures.1900Contemp. Rev. Sept. 354 The smaller Priscillianist movement in Spain.1902Ibid. Apr. 504 He has succeeded in tracing the interpolation to a Priscillianist and therefore heretical source.
So Priˈscillian, Priˈscillianite = A. 1; Priˈscillianism, the doctrines or principles of Priscillian.
1680Baxter Answ. Stillingfl. lxxiv. 95 Those Bishops..suspecting men that Fasted and Prayed much, to be *Priscillians.
1620Bp. Hall Hon. Mar. Clergy i. ix, He, being suspected of *Priscillianisme, wrote affectly against that heresie.1882Dict. Chr. Biog. III. 841/2 Priscillianism is usually..considered as a phase of Gnosticism.
1585–7T. Rogers 39 Art. xxxix. (Parker Soc.) 357 The..*Priscillianites,..who for ease, and to avoid troubles and persecution, dread not to swear and forswear themselves.1676W. Hubbard Happiness of People 40 The success of capital punishment inflicted on the Priscillianites.

