
单词 propylene
释义 propylene Chem.|ˈprəʊpɪliːn|
[f. propyl + -ene.]
1. The olefine of the tricarbon or propyl series, C3H6, a colourless gas; called also propene and tritylene.
1850J. W. Reynolds in Jrnl. Chem. Soc. III. 114 It is this hydrocarbon..to which I propose to give the name of Propylene.1850Daubeny Atom. The. (ed. 2) 489 note, The discovery by Captain Reynolds of another homologue of olefiant gas, namely propylene.c1865Letheby in Orr's Circ. Sc. I. 116/1 Propylene.., or the super-olefiant gas of Dalton and Henry.
2. Used attrib. or in Comb. in the names of derivatives: propylene glycol, either of two isomeric liquids, CH2OH·CHOH·CH3 and CH2OH·CH2·CH2OH; spec. the 1,2-glycol (the former), which has a wide variety of uses, chiefly as a solvent or carrier, as a constituent of antifreeze, and in the food and perfume industries; propylene imine (also ˌpropylen(e)ˈimine) [ad. G. propylenimin (Gabriel & Ohle 1917, in Ber. d. Deut. Chem. Ges. L. 815)], a synthetic, colourless, highly inflammable liquid, CH3·CH·CH2·NH, which is widely used industrially, freq. in polymerized form and esp. as a binding agent with dyes and adhesives, and in the manufacture of plastics, paper, etc.
1885Morley & Green in Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XLVII. 132 From the aqueous portion of the distillate 140 grams of propylene glycol (boiling at 185–195°) can be obtained by fractional distillation.1926Jrnl. Biol. Chem. LXVIII. 416 It was..desired to convert propylene glycol into β-hydroxybutyric acid by a set of reactions which would not involve carbon atom (2).1951I. L. Finar Org. Chem. I. xvii. 329 Lactic acid..may be prepared: (i) By oxidising propylene glycol with dilute nitric acid.1966Kirk–Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol. (ed. 2) X. 649, 1,2-Propylene glycol, CH3CHOHCH2OH, is a colorless and odorless liquid with a slightly sweet taste.
1917Jrnl. Chem. Soc. CXII. i. 564 β-Bromopropylamine and β-bromoisopropylamine..both yield β-bromoisopropylamine, this result being explicable by the intermediate compound being propylenimine.1944Jrnl. Org. Chem. IX. 133 Propylenimine was prepared from 2-amino-1-propanol.1966Kirk–Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol. (ed. 2) XI. 527 Ethylenimine and propylenimine are colorless mobile liquids with a strong ammoniacal odor.1971Nature 16 Apr. 460/2 Propylene imine is an important chemical intermediate with a variety of applications in the production of polymers, coatings, adhesives, textiles and paper finishes.

