
单词 alowys
释义 aˈllowe, aˈlowys
[a. OFr. al(l)ouy, prop. alouys:—L. *allocātīci-um, -īti-um, one whose attribute it is to be allocāt-us, hired: see allocate and -itious. The final -s was in 14 c. Fr. occ. treated as a pl. inflexion, and so with allowes in Eng.]
A hired servant, a hireling.
c1483Chron. Lond. (1827) 156 As wele allowes and servaunts as the maisters.1494Fabyan vi. cxcviii. 205 He shuld scantly haue of his owne, as alowys or seruaunt had.

