
单词 aswind
释义 aˈswind, v. Obs.
1–4. pa. tense aswond. pa. pple. aswunde(n, aswounde.
[OE. aswindan, f. a- prefix 1 away + swindan to languish.]
1. intr. To languish away, vanish, perish.
c885K. ælfred Boeth. xxxiii. §4 Þýlæs..ealle oþre ᵹesceafta aswindað.c1175Lamb. Hom. 133 Sum [of þe sede feol] among þeornen and þer aswond.1250Lay. 17940 Sealde he aswint þat to him seolue tresteþ.a1250Owl & Night. 1572 Al thi sputing schal aswinde.
2. in pa. pple. Languishing, worn out; enervated.
c885K. ælfred Boeth. xl. §4 Hwý ᵹe swá unnytte sión & swá aswundene?1205Lay. 22254 Þat his folc gode aswunden [1250 aswonde] ne laie þere.a1250Owl & Night. 534 Vor ich nam non aswunde wrecche.c1350Leg. Rood (1871) 52 Ȝe beþ neih aswounde.

