
单词 solidity
释义 solidity|səˈlɪdɪtɪ|
Also 6 solidyte, 6–7 soliditie.
[ad. F. solidité (= It. solidità) or L. soliditāt-em, f. solidus solid: see -ity.]
1. a. The quality of being solid or substantial, in various figurative or transferred senses.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 720/2 The trouth of Goddes woorde..hath his solidyte, substaunce and fastnesse of and in it selfe.a1610Healey Cebes (1636) 150 The genius bids them, never give credence unto her, never to imagine any solidity in her bounties.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §166 No Kingdom..in the solidity..of the Laws..was more Secure than England.1788Jefferson Writ. (1859) II. 542 Assure me of the solidity of your recovery.1804Gouv. Morris in Sparks Life & Writ. (1832) III. 213 Prussia has grown up so fast that there is a want of solidity.1866Seeley Ecce Homo iv. (ed. 8) 36 Human relations gained a solidity and permanence which they had never before seemed to have.1871Tyndall Fragm. Sci. (1879) II. ii. 39 That unsubstantial pageant of the imagination to which the solidity of science is opposed.
b. Of persons, in respect of learning, judgement, character, etc.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 495 Now I know such is the solidity of divers Readers and people, that [etc.].a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) II. 14 Men resembled him to one of the ships-royal..called the Swiftsure, such his celerity and solidity in all affairs.1695Ld. Preston Boethius iv. pr. i. (1712) 176 These..things..may put an end to thy Complaints, and strengthen thee with all Firmness and Solidity.1723Wodrow Corr. (1843) III. 33 The King expressed at that time an uncommon esteem of Mr. Henderson for his learning, piety, and solidity.1756M. Calderwood in Coltness Collect. (Maitl. Cl.) 148 One must admire them for their solidity, industry, and pains-taking in every thing.1821Rich Journ. Persepolis 12 Sept. in Babylon & P. (1839) 268 The Persians are unthinking, perpetually joking, and deficient in solidity.1869McLaren Serm. Ser. ii. vii. 120 Without that armour, there will not be solidity enough in our character.
c. Of argument, demonstration, etc.
1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. vi. (1686) 15 Establishing their assertions with great solidity.1667Poole Dial. betw. Protest. & Papist (1735) 70 Not for any Solidity of Argument (that had been pedantick).1677Owen On Justific. xii. Wks. 1851 III. 263 Such niceties have more of philosophical subtlety than theological solidity in them.1775Johnson in Boswell (Oxf. ed.) I. 560 That the Colonists could with no solidity argue..that they should not now be taxed.1826Kent Comm. 19 In cases where the principal jurists agree, the presumption will be very great in favor of the solidity of their maxims.1865Pusey Truth Eng. Ch. 136 A remarkable response, objecting to the decree with much solidity and clearness.
d. Of judgement.
1727Bailey (vol. II), Soundness,..Solidity of Judgment.1774Reid Aristotle's Logic ii. §2. 28 In proportion to the solidity and accuracy of a man's judgment.1796Morse Amer. Geogr. I. 23 Good sense, perspicuity, accuracy, and solidity of judgment.1882Hinsdale Garfield & Educ. i. 116 Close observation, high analytical..ability, solidity of judgment.
2. a. The quality or condition of being materially solid; compactness and firmness of texture, structure, etc. Also fig.
1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 1302 A land altogether barren and unfruitfull, by reason of hardnesse and stiffe soliditie.1615G. Sandys Trav. 238 Tunnie;..in taste something resembling flesh, as in colour and soliditie.1663S. Patrick Parab. Pilgr. (1687) 381 We may discern between hardness and softness, a middle temperament, which is called solidity and firmness.1704Norris Ideal World ii. i. 46 Solidity, according to the vulgar and popular sense of it, wherein it is used for hardness.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) VI. 213 They have the solidity of the hardest bone.1841T. R. Jones Anim. Kingd. 446 A fibro-cartilaginous substance..fills the interior of each mandible, and thus gives it sufficient solidity for all required purposes.1842S. Lover Handy Andy ix, When they came to take the hay⁓stack to pieces, the solidity of its centre rather astonished them.
b. Of buildings, edifices, etc.
1662Gerbier Principles Title-p., The three chief Principles of Magnificent Building, viz. Solidity, Conveniency, and Ornament.1790Burke Fr. Rev. 72 They load the edifice of society, by setting up in the air what the solidity of the structure requires to be on the ground.1833Ritchie Wand. Loire 25 The château..strikes the spectator by its solidity and magnificence.1867Emerson Lett. & Soc. Aims Wks. (Bohn) III. 227 Our..architecture [is] tent-like, when compared with the monumental solidity of mediæval..remains in Europe and Asia.
3. a. Geom. The amount of space occupied by a solid body; volume, cubic or solid content.
1570Dee Math. Pref. a iij b, To vnderstand the Soliditie, and content of any bodily thing.1642H. More Song of Soul ii. i. ii. 42 [The soul] finds out Phæbus vast soliditie By his diametre.1674S. Jeake Arith. (1696) 524 If a Right Cylinder have the Diameter 14, and the Height..as much; then shall the Area of each Base be 154,..and the Solidity 2156.1743Emerson Fluxions 127 To find a Cone of the greatest Solidity under a given convex Surface and Base b.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 551 Find the solidity of the trench in cubic feet, and divide it by 27.1834–47J. S. Macaulay Field Fortif. (1851) 304 The solidity of the frustrum will be equal to the solidity of the whole cone.
b. Relative density or mass.
1698J. Keill Exam. Th. Earth (1734) 33 The surfaces of bodies not increasing in the same proportion with their solidities or weights.1718Quincy Compl. Disp. 2 Attraction in all Bodies is cæteris paribus as their Solidities.1740Cheyne Regimen 2 It is probable, that animated Bodies act according to their Solidities.
c. The ratio of the area of the blades of a propeller (counting one side only) to the area of the circle they turn in.
1926H. Glauert Elements Aerofoil & Airscrew Theory xvi. 213 This quantity σ represents the ratio of the area of the blade elements to the area of the annulus at the radial distance τ, and may be termed the solidity of the blade element.1953D. O. Dommasch Elem. Propeller & Helicopter Aerodynamics ii. 61 As far as propeller operation is concerned, increasing solidity has much the same effect as decreasing the aspect ratio of the wing.1980Sci. Amer. July 114/2 The twin screws of the 31-knot Queen Elizabeth 2, each of which absorbs 55,000 h.p., are appreciably smaller, turn much faster and have an even greater solidity than the screws of the largest tankers.
4. a. The property of occupying a certain amount of space.
1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. iv. (1695) 52 That which thus hinders the approach of two Bodies, when they are moving one towards another, I call Solidity.1777Priestley Phil. Necess. 177 A substance that has no properties besides extension and solidity.1815J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art I. 270 The solidity of matter..expresses that property which every body possesses of not permitting any other body to occupy the same place with it at the same time.1884tr. Lotze's Metaph. 304 He mentions Lambert's account of Solidity as a necessary property of all material existence.
b. Extension in the three dimensions of space.
1855Bain Senses & Int. ii. ii. §5 It is this dissimilarity of the pictures that is the chief optical sign of solidity or of three dimensions.1886Sully Handbk. Psychol. viii. 140 That the eye has little knowledge of solidity.
5. A solid thing or body. Also fig.
1602Shakes. Ham. iii. iv. 49 Heauens face doth glow, Yea this solidity and compound masse..Is thought-sicke.1665Surv. Affaires of Netherlands 195 Their Apparel was plain, and their Ambition onely upon Realities and Solidities.1728R. Morris Ess. Anc. Archit. 43 It has a greater Force to sustain the Solidity it supports.1771Luckombe Hist. Print. 324 By convenience is meant a firm solidity to place the end of the Braces against.1844Hood The Turtles 36 Fruits, victual, drink, solidities, or slops.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt ix, A man..owed a great deal more to himself as the mainstay of all those solidities, than to feelings..quite unsubstantial.
6. = solidarity 3.
1706tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 16th C. II. iv. ix. 431 note, Solidity in the French Law is a joint Obligation entred into by several Creditors, by which every one of the Obligees binds himself to pay what they all owe in Common, upon the default of the rest.1818Colebrooke Obligations xiv. 149 This solidity in respect of creditors is very rare: it is not to be confounded with indivisibility of obligation.Ibid., The effects of solidity towards creditors, when it does occur, are as follow. Each of the creditors, being so for the whole, may consequently demand the whole [etc.].

