
单词 corporas
释义 corporas|ˈkɔːpəræs|
Forms: 3 corporeals, 4 -aus, -eaus, corperaus, 4–6 -as, 5–7 corporass(e, 5–6 -ace, 5 corperax, -arax, (coperas, -arace), 6 -esse, (corprax), 5–9 corporas, 6–9 corporax.
[ME. corporaus, a. OF. corporaus, (earlier corporals), nom. sing. of corporal = corporal n.1 (The same form was in OF. acc. pl., and remains in pl. as corporaux.)]
= corporal n.1 2.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 163 Ðe meshakele is of medeme fustain, and te corporeals sole and unshapliche.c1300Havelok 188 The calix, and the pateyn ok, The corporaus, the messe-gere.c1315Shoreham 50 And eke the corperaus Onder the deakne vealdeth.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 11 Sixtus ordeyned þat þe corperas [Harl. MS. corporasse] schulde nouȝt be of silk noþer sendel.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 363/2 She made mo than fyfty corporas and sente them..in to dyuerce chirches.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge ii. 551 Some gaue a coope and some a vestement Some other a chalice and some a corporace.1543Richmond Wills (Surtees) 47 Corporaxes, altar clothes, albys, towells.1549Bk. Com. Prayer, Commun. Rubric, Then shall take so much Bread and Wine as shall suffice..laying the bread upon the corporas.1655Fuller Waltham Abb. (1840) 275 Three corporasses, whereof two white silk, and one blew velvet.1884Life J. Skinner ix. 174 The Rubric provides for the use of..a corporas, a paten, a bell, and some other things.
b. Comb., as corporas bag, corporas case, corporas cloth, etc.
1478Churchw. Acc. St. Andrew's, East Cheap (in Brit. Mag. XXXII. 36) Item, payde for a Corporas Case..ijs. iiijd.1522Bury Wills (Camden) 117, iij fyne elle kerchers to be vsyd for corporas clothes.1529Test. Ebor. (Surtees) V. 277 To the parishe churche..my dublett of cremysyne sattyn, to make thereof corprax cases.1566in E. Peacock Eng. Ch. Furniture (1866) 51 One corporax cloth, one corporax bagg.1853Rock Ch. of Fathers III. ii. 189 A pair of corporals in a corporas case.1869F. B. Palliser Lace xxii. 251 Richly-laced corporax cloths.

