
单词 stainless
释义 stainless, a. (and n.)|ˈsteɪnlɪs|
[f. stain n. + -less.]
A. adj.
1. Without stain, spot, or blemish.
a. lit.
a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. xi. (1912) 221 The Phœnix wings are not so rare For faultlesse length, and stainelesse hewe.1613–16W. Browne Brit. Past. ii. iii. 61 The Hare-bell for her stainlesse azur'd hue, Claimes to be worne of none but those are true.1813Shelley Q. Mab vi. 7 The stainless mirror of the lake Re-images the eastern gloom.1867A. J. Wilson Vashti xxxv, Robed in a soft stainless white muslin.
b. fig.
1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iii. ii. 13 Learne me how to loose a winning match, Plaid for a paire of stainlesse Maidenhoods.1601Twel. N. i. v. 278 Of fresh and stainlesse youth.1743Francis tr. Hor., Odes iii. ii. 17 With stainless Lustre Virtue shines.1814Byron Lara ii. viii, But that long absence from his native clime Had left him stainless of oppression's crime.1819Crabbe Tales of Hall viii. 231 The very care he took to keep his name Stainless.1889Barrie Window in Thrums 176 Leeby, that stainless young woman.1893Cath. News 11 Nov. 2/3 The stainless Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
2. Highly resistant to staining or corrosion. See also stainless steel.
1897Sears, Roebuck Catal. 244/1 Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose... Fast color and stainless.1921Engineer 11 Nov. 504/2 Stainless iron may be easily forged by hand into such difficult objects as spurs.1932Discovery May 145/1 Low carbon stainless steel, frequently called stainless iron, contains less than 0·12 per cent of carbon and from 11 to 12 per cent of chromium.1945ABC of Cookery (Ministry of Food) i. 8 Any cutlery which is not stainless should be kept well polished.1960Good Housek. Cookery Bk. (rev. ed.) 574/1 A sharp-pointed, stainless vegetable knife.1979T. Motogoshi in M. Nurse Stainless Steel 19/1 The use of stainless tubes has been boosted by the increase in the erection of high rise buildings.
B. n. ellipt. for stainless steel; articles made of this.
1971G. V. Higgins Friends of Eddie Coyle (1972) x. 64, I don't care whether it's the stainless or not... I got to have the stuff.1975New Yorker 26 May 111 (Advt.), Galax, a unique combination of solid brass and 18-8 stainless, is light-years ahead in function and design.1977C. McFadden Serial (1978) i. 8/2 They spent it rapidly on..Dansk stainless and Rosenthal china.
Hence ˈstainlessly adv., ˈstainlessness.
1862Edin. Rev. CXVI. 200 When the divorce was threatened, she again avowed her affection for Königsmark, and offered to take the sacrament on its stainlessness.1882Farrar Early Chr. I. 106 To represent the Christian Church as ideally pure, as stainlessly excellent and perfect, would be altogether a mistake.1887Academy 1 Jan. 16/3 Purity of heart, absolute stainlessness of soul.

