
单词 empery
释义 I. empery, n. Now only poet. or rhetorical.|ˈɛmpərɪ|
Forms: 3–7 emperie, -ye, (6 embery, empory), 7–9 empiry, -ie, (7 empyrie), 6– empery. Cf. impery.
[a. OF. emperie (Littré s.v. empire), ad. L. imperium empire.]
1. The status, dignity, or dominion of an emperor. Obs.
1297R. Glouc. (1724) 85 He þer forþ com. And wende toward Rome to wynne þe emperie.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 8/2 The excellencie of the Romane emperie did advance the popedom of the Romane bishop aboue other churches.1588Shakes. Tit. A. i. i. 201 Thou shalt obtaine and aske the Emperie.
b. In wider sense: Absolute dominion.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Matt. i. 21 Ryches, honoure and emperye.1591Drayton in Farr S.P. Eliz. (1845) I. 132 The only God of emperie and of might.1599Shakes. Hen. V, i. ii. 226 Ruling in large and ample Emperie, Ore France.a1631Donne Paradoxes (1652) 11 All Victories and Emperies gained by War.1655Jer. Taylor Guide Devot. (1719) 138 Sets us free From the ungodly Empirie Of Sin.1812Scott Trierm. iii. xxv, Coin'd badge of empery it [the gold] bare.1831J. Wilson Unimore vi. 291 Every Passion in its empery Doth laugh Remorse to scorn.1882G. Macdonald in Good Words 154 A wider love of empery.
c. In the sense of L. imperium: The authority with which an officer or magistrate has been lawfully invested; legitimate government. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. 51 Þilke dignitee þat men clepiþ þe emperie of consulers.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. vi. (1632) 504 To introduce that free Empery.1642Bridge Wound. Consc. Cured §1. 10 If a Prince should..change the form of the Common-weale from Empery to Tyranny.
2. a. The territory ruled by an emperor. b. In wider sense: The territory of an absolute or powerful ruler; also fig.
1550Coke Eng. & Fr. Herald (1877) §50 Constantyne..conquered the whole empery.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. 33 A larger Empery hath not be fallen any christian potentate.1611Speed Theat. Gt. Brit. xxix. (1614) 57/1 Alfred or before him Offa shared the open circuit of their emperie into Principalities.1820Keats Lamia ii. 36 A want Of something more, more than her empery Of joys.1833H. Coleridge Poems I. 62 'Tis all thy own, 'tis all thy empery.
II. ˈempery, v. Obs. rare—1.
[f. prec. n.]
intr. To exercise supreme power; to lord it. Const. upon.
1502Arnolde Chron. (1811) 160 Alsoo emp'ryng vpon ful many cristen lordis.

