
单词 subliminal
释义 subliminal, a. Psych.|səˈblɪmɪnəl|
[f. sub- 1 a + L. līmin-, līmen threshold + -al1: coined to represent Herbart's unter der Schwelle sc. des Bewusstseins under the threshold of consciousness (Psychol. als Wissenschaft 1824, i. §47).]
a. Below the threshold (see threshold n. 2 c, limen) of sensation or consciousness: said of states supposed to exist but not strong enough to be recognized. Also, pertaining to ‘the subliminal self’.
1886Ward in Encycl. Brit. XX. 48/1 Even if there were no facts to warrant this conception of a subliminal presentation of impressions and ideas.1892Illustr. Lond. News 8 Oct. 451/1 A pen, that strange conductor between the self he knows and the ‘subliminal self’ which is often flashing its surprises on him.1892Myers in Proc. Soc. Psychical Res. Feb. 306 The subliminal memory includes an unknown category of impressions which the supraliminal consciousness..must cognise, if at all, in the shape of messages from the subliminal consciousness.1902F. Podmore Mod. Spiritualism II. 31 The extraordinary outburst of subliminal or automatic activity.
b. absol. That which is subliminal; the subliminal self.
1901W. James in Proc. Soc. Psychical Res. May 18 Of the Subliminal, he [Myers] would say, we can give no ultra⁓simple account.1903Myers Hum. Pers. I. ii. 347 Scenes..which Sally as a subliminal noticed.
c. In collocations which denote exploitation of the idea that people can be unconsciously influenced by messages or other stimuli projected just below the threshold of awareness, as subliminal advertising, subliminal propaganda, etc.
1957Times 18 Sept. 9/5 The report in your columns to-day from your New York Correspondent on subliminal advertising must be taken as a timely warning of an encroachment, if not upon the physical freedom, certainly upon the free will of the cinema and television audiences of the near future.1957Technology Nov. 328/4 The process—christened ‘subliminal projection’ because the message is transmitted at sub-threshold intensities—is ready for commercial exploitation.Ibid. 334/4 ‘Subliminal’ propaganda—briefly flashing a suggestion on a cinema or television screen for subconscious observation.1958Times 5 July 7/2 A committee of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising has reported on the subject of ‘subliminal communication’.1968Punch 23 Oct. 563/1 Won't it [sc. the Government] use every trick in the book—including subliminal TV appeals and pressures—to make us buy more and more?1975Perceptual & Motor Skills XLI. 847 (title) Effect of subliminal stimuli on consumer behavior: negative evidence.1981J. E. Alcock Parapsychol. iv. 72 It is even unclear from the reports whether the increase in popcorn and cola sales occurred only after the exposure to subliminal advertising.
Hence suˈbliminally adv., in a manner which is subliminal or below the threshold of sensation or consciousness.
1892F. W. H. Myers in Proc. Soc. Psychical Res. VIII. 438 Similar subliminal activity is going on also along the red to violet spectrum of which we are supraliminally as well as subliminally cognisant.1902W. James Var. Relig. Exper. x. 237 Subjects who are in possession of a large region in which mental work can go on subliminally.1963Observer 7 Apr. 22/2 The way it [sc. a book] is presented, with a cover more than subliminally reminiscent of the Leopard.1977J. Gardner Werewolf Trace xxiv. 195 They also had a tape on the video link..which Harvester wanted to play through subliminally while Joseph watched the news.

