
单词 Haliwerfolk
释义 Haliwerfolk Obs. exc. Hist.|ˈhælɪwəˌfəʊk|
Forms: 1–2 haliwere(s)folc, 2 -werefolk, 3–4 -warfolc, -folk, 4–5, 9 (Hist.) -werfolk, -folc, 5 -waresfolc, -ueresfolch, 8 -wor-folk, 9 halywerfolc. Also, corruptly, 4 (h)aliwarcfolk, 7– haly-, holy-, -wark-, -work-, -folk.
[OE. *haliᵹweresfolc, people of the holy man or saint (cf. Bæda iv. xxvii. þone halᵹan wer{ddd}Cuþbyrht).]
The folk of the holy man or saint (Cuthbert); those who held their lands by the service of defending the body, relics, and territory of St. Cuthbert; also the county of Durham wherein they dwelt.
Called in Life of St. Cuthbert, c 1450 (Surtees) 4608 ‘Cuthbert folk’, 7517 ‘þe saint pople’.
1099–1126Charter in Finchale (Surtees) 20 Rannulfus..ominibus hominibus suis, Francis et Anglis, de Haliweresfolc, salutem.12..Charter in Newminister Cartulary (Surtees) 133 Unam bovatam terræ in Cunsdine, quæ est in Haliwerefolc.c1303Reg. Pal. Dunelm. (Rolls) III. 39 Antiquiores totius Haliwarfolk' et Northumbriæ.1430Feodarium Prioratus Dunelm. (Surtees) (passim), Haliwerfolc, Haliwaresfolc, Haliueresfolch.1816Surtees Hist. Durham I. xxxiii, The tenants of St. Cuthbert, who pleaded their privilege of Halywerfolc.1892Boyle County of Durham 74 The tenants..on several occasions claimed that they were Haliwerfolk, the folk or men of the holy man (wer).
In some 14th c. documents (after wer was obsolete), misunderstood and corrupted as halywark-folk, i.e. people who had the holy work of defending the body etc. of St. Cuthbert.
1311Reg. Pal. Dunelm. (Rolls) I. 8 A senioribus de Aliwarkfolk' et Northumbriæ.1316Rot. Parl 9 Edw. II, No. 8 Ibid. IV. 137 In libertate episcopi Dunolmensis de Haliwarcfolks.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 736 They pleaded..that they were Haliwerke folkes, and held their lands to defend the Corps of Saint Cuthbert.1627Speed England (1666) P b, Whose charge..was to keep and defend the corps of S. Cuthbert their great adored Saint, and therefore they termed themselves, The holy work folks.1846Brockett's N.C. Gloss. (ed. 3) 207 The Halywercfolk or holy work people.

