
单词 unsalt
释义 I. unˈsalt, a.
(un-1 7. Cf. OE. unsealt, Du. onzout, ON. úsaltr, Icel. ósaltur, older Sw. osalt.)
1435Misyn Fire of Love 89 Þis warld..has also salt vnsalt, sauyr vnsauyrd.1598Florio, Fresco, fresh, new, vnsalt.1935E. Bowen House in Paris ii. ix. 143 Here the sea air was washed unsalt by the rain.
II. unˈsalt, v.
(un-2 6 and 7. Cf. Du. ontzouten, G. entsalzen.)
1547Bk. of Marchantes c ij, Of suche wares their store houses are ful, and these be called, store hous masses, or salted masses. That god..ryght soone vnsalte and water it.1611Cotgr., Dessaler, to vnsalt; make fresh; become fresh.

