
单词 gaze-hound
释义 ˈgaze-hound
Also 6–7 gase-hound.
[f. gaze n. + hound n.]
A species of dog used in hunting, which follows its prey by sight and not by scent. Now chiefly Hist.
1570J. Caius De Canibus Brit. 11 Similiter a verbo nostrati gase, (quod fixius rem aliquam contueri est) Gasehunde appellatur nostris, quem ante Agasæum nominari diximus.1610W. Folkingham Art of Survey 9, English Mastiffes, Gase Houndes (or Lurchers) and Tumblers are in request.1714Tickell in Steele's Poet. Misc. 178 See'st thou the Gaze-hound! how with Glance severe From the close Herd he marks the destin'd Deer!1808Scott Marm. ii. Introd. 41 And foresters in green-wood trim, Lead in the leash the gazehounds grim.1869Blackmore Lorna D. xxii, I entered the house with some wrath upon me at seeing the gazehounds in the yard.

