
单词 trisomic
释义 trisomic, a. (n.) Cytology.|traɪˈsəʊmɪk|
[f. as prec. + -ic.]
Of or pertaining to a trisome. Also as n., a trisomic chromosome, cell, or individual.
1921A. F. Blakeslee in Amer. Naturalist LV. 259 If the Globe and Poinsettia [sc. ‘mutant’ forms of Datura stramonium] could be combined to form a mutant with 3 chromosomes each in two of the 12 sets, such a mutant would be called a double trisomic mutant.1924Genetics IX. 194 Super-enlarged in general bears the same relation to enlarged as round-leaf globe to globe; i.e., the tetrasomic is an accentuated expression of the trisomic.1939Jrnl. Genetics XXXVIII. 382 Trisomics are of frequent occurrence and are known in almost every genus employed in genetic work.1957R. A. Beatty Parthenogenesis & Polyploidy in Mammalian Devel. v. 79 Since the only abnormality would be the presence of one extra chromosome, the trisomic might have greater viability than the full triploid.Ibid. vi. 102 In triploid or trisomic Drosophila, the position of the centromere has been assessed in this way.1974Nature 1 Mar. 54/2 Aneuploid embryos found in this study included uniform monosomics and trisomics.
So ˈtrisomy, trisomic state; freq. with following numeral denoting the chromosome concerned, as trisomy-21 (associated with Down's syndrome).
1930Bibliographia Genetica VI. 15 Further observations..disclosed a high degree of intraspecific variation resulting in polyploidy, trisomy, fragmentation of chromosomes [etc.].1961G. Allen et al. in Lancet 8 Apr. 775/2 Several others [of the undersigned] believe that this is an appropriate time to introduce the term ‘trisomy 21 anomaly’ which would include cases of simple trisomy as well as translocations.1963[see dermatoglyphics].1965[see Down's syndrome].1970Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Stud. II. xxxi. 19/1 The relative frequency of trisomy 13–15 in abortuses indicates that it is less compatible with normal intra-uterine development than either trisomy 17–18 or mongolism.1977Nature 6 Jan. 65/2 Case 2..showed an excess of α-globin synthesis smaller than expected for functional trisomy of the α-globin genetic region.1979Ibid. 4 Jan. 57/1 Although the patient had no features of the trisomy 21 syndrome, two first-degree cousins of his father had given birth to children with Down's syndrome.

