
单词 uncome
释义 I. uncome, n. Obs.
[Of obscure formation: see oncome n. and ancome.]
1. = oncome n. 1.
1538Elyot, Aduentitius morbus, syckenes that cometh without our defaute, and of some menne is called an vncome.
2. = ancome, income n.2
1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 8 §1 Vncomes of handes..& such other like diseases.1562W. Bullein Bulwarke, Dial. Sorenes & Chir. 10 b, Apostumacions that spryng of blood, or choller, be diuersly termed by sundrie names as botches,..uncomes.1597Gerarde Herbal 362 An impostume in the ioints of the fingers (called among the vulgare sort a fellon or vncome).1601Holland Pliny II. 188 The seed [of the tamarisk]..is singular good for any uncom or fellon.1697View Penal Laws 208 It is lawful for persons skilful in the Nature of Herbs..to Practise and Minister to any outward Sore, Uncom, Wound.
II. unˈcome, ppl. a. Now north. dial.
Also Sc. 6 uncum, vncuming, 7 oncum.
[un-2 8 b. Cf. ON. and Icel. ú-, ókominn (Norw. ukomen, MSw. okomin).]
Not (yet) arrived.
1512Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. IV. 295 The Kingis schippis boght and as ȝit uncum to Scotland.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) III. 441 The lordis..Quhilk in England vncuming hame war than.1649I. Basire Corr. (1831) 98 A bill of 50 l which should have come in August last, is yet uncome.1659Knaresb. Wills (Surtees) II. 240 Yeares of a lease..which are yet uncome and unexpired.a1670Spalding Troub. Chas. I (1851) II. 343 He mist sum of Strathbogie men oncum thair.1828Craven Gloss., Uncome, not come.1877Holderness Gloss. 151 He's uncome yit.

