
单词 drenching
释义 I. drenching, vbl. n.|ˈdrɛnʃɪŋ|
[f. as prec. + -ing1.]
a. The action of drench v., various senses.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 59 To saue a mannus bodi fro deþ or dryncchyng.c1386Chaucer Man of Law's T. 387 Who kepte hire fro the drenchyng in the see?1626Bacon Sylva §648 Malt in the Drenching will swell.1870Daily News 25 Nov., He gives them three drenchings of varnish.
b. Comb., as drenching-horn, drenching-staff. drenching-gun, a device for giving a medicinal drench to animals.
1639T. de la Grey Compl. Horsem. 106 Holding up his head with a Drenching Staffe.1697W. Dampier in Phil. Trans. XX. 50 If it be for any Cattel, it must be..given with a Drenching Horn.1737Ozell Rabelais II. 64 A Drenching-horn serves to convey a Draught into a Horse's Mouth.1950N.Z. Jrnl. Agric. Sept. 239/1 Where a drenching ‘gun’ is used.1961B. Crump Hang on a Minute 158 On a table in the middle of the floor was a drenching-gun.1966Punch 21 Sept. 446/2 Today's stockman must be proficient with hypodermic syringe and drenching gun.
II. ˈdrenching, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That drenches or thoroughly wets; soaking.
1757Gray Descent Odin 33 The drenching dews, and driving rain.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xi. 292 We descended..amid drenching rain.
Hence ˈdrenchingly adv.
1880R. Broughton Sec. Th. iii. vii, It is wet—oh, drenchingly, drowningly wet.

