
单词 sutel
释义 I. sutel, a. Obs.
Forms: 1 swutol, -el, sutol, 2–3 sutel, 3–4 sotel.
[OE. (late WS.) swutol = Anglian sweotol, of obscure origin.]
Clear, manifest, evident.
c897ælfred Gregory's Past. C. xiv. (1871) 83 (Hatton MS.) Ðonne bið hit swutul [Cott. sweotol] þæt he bið suiðe ᵹerisenlice besuapen [etc.].971Blickl. Hom. 203 Þa fotlastas wæron swutole and ᵹesyne on þæm stane.c1000Beowulf 90 Þær wæs hearpan sweᵹ, swutol sang scopes.a1100Gloss Aldhelm 4538 in Napier OE. Glosses 117 Satis euidens, ᵹenoh sutel.c1200Ormin 18862 Aȝȝ wass i þiss middellaerd Full sutell & full sene.c1205Lay. 1519 Ne cume ȝe neauer wið vte scipes bord ær ich ou sende sutel [c 1275 sotel] word.a1225Leg. Kath. 1033 In euch þing of þe world beoð sutel..þe weolen of godes wisdom.a1310in Wright Lyric P. iv. 23 Sone is sotel..this sake al thah hit seme suete.
Hence suteliche adv. (1 swutol(l)ice, swutelice, 3 sutel(l)iche: see -ly2), clearly, plainly, evidently.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iii. viii. (1890) 174 Moniᵹe þara broðra..sæᵹdon þæt heo swutolice [v.rr. swutollice, sweotolice] engla song ᵹehyrdon.c1000ælfric Gen. xv. 13 Him wæs þa ᵹesæd swutelice þurh god, Wite þu [etc.].c1175Lamb. Hom. 41 We eow wulleð suteliche seggen of þa fredome þe limpeð to þan deie þe is iclepeð su sunedei.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 145 Þe holi gost, þe him dide suterliche [sic] to understonden þat ure drihten wolde man bicumen.a1225Ancr. R. 112 Þe reisuns hwui beoð her efter suteliche [v.r. opinlike] ischeawede.c1230Hali Meid. 23 Feole priuileges scheaweð ful sutelliche hwucche beon þe meidenes.
II. sutel(e, -ell
obs. forms of subtle.

