
单词 dyer
释义 I. dyer|ˈdaɪə(r)|
Also 4 dighere, dyhȝere, 6–7 dyar, dier, -ar.
[f. dye v.: OE. type *déaᵹere.]
1. One whose occupation is to dye cloth and other materials.
1369in Riley Lond. Mem. (1868) 337 Victor de Male, dighere.c1386Chaucer Prol. 362 A Webbe, a Dyere, and a Tapicer.a1400in Eng. Gilds (1870) 359 Þe mayster dyhȝeres of peyntours in þe citee.1562W. Bullein Bk. Simples 47 b, With this Diars colour their Wolle withall.a1610Healey Theophrastus (1636) To Rdr., A great water-pot like a Diers fat.1724Swift Drapier's Lett. Wks. 1755 V. ii. 94 A piece of black and white stuff just sent from the dyer.1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 368 Indigo employed by the dyers or calico-printers.
b. A variety of grape.
1865Daily Tel. 20 July, Grapes are already in the market, and the especial one known as the ‘dyer’, from being used to colour various wines, is beginning to blush.
2. Combinations of dyer's:
a. dyer's bath = dye-bath; dyer's grain, the coccus insect, kermes; dyer's spirit, tin tetrachloride, employed as a mordant.
b. In the names of plants used for dyeing: dyer's alkanet, bugloss, Anchusa tinctoria (Ure's Dict. Arts 1875); dyer's broom, whin, Genista tinctoria, also called dyer's green-weed, dyer's weed, and woadwaxen; dyer's grape, Phytolacca decandra (Miller Plant-n. 1884); dyer's-moss, archil; dyer's oak, Quercus infectoria, the galls of which yield a dye; dyer's rocket, Reseda Luteola, also called dyer's yellow-weed; dyer's woad, Isatis tinctoria (see woad).
1591Percivall Sp. Dict., The tree whereon diers grayne groweth, Coccus infectorius.1597Gerarde Herbal iii. xviii. (1633) 1317 The Greenweeds..do grow to dye clothes with. It is called..in English Diers Greenweed.1854S. Thomson Wild Fl. iii. (ed. 4) 236 The..yellow-flowered Genista tinctoria, or dyer's-green weed, or woad-waxen.1860Oliver Less. Bot. (1886) 124 Dyer's Woad (Isatis tinctoria).1861Miss Pratt Flower Pl. I. 157 Reseda Luteola, Dyer's Rocket.Ibid. II. 81 Genista tinctoria, Woad-waxen, Dyer's-whin, Dyer's weed, or Greenweed.
II. dyer
obs. form of dier, one who dies.

