
单词 dwine
释义 dwine, v. Now Sc., dial., and arch.|dwaɪn|
Forms: 1 dwínan, 3–8 dwyne, (4 duin(e, 5 dwynne, 6 dwinne, Sc. duyn(e), 4– dwine.
[OE. dwínan, dwán, dwinen, an original Teut. strong vb., represented by ON. dvína (Sw. dvina, MDu. dwînen, early mod.Du. dwijnen (Kilian 1599), Du. verdwijnen to vanish, disappear), MLG. and LG. dwînen. The strong inflexions are not found after OE. period. Cf. also fordwine.]
1. intr. To waste or pine away; to decline in vigour, languish, fade, wither.
c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 82 Ðonne dwineþ seo wamb sona.c1050Gloss. in Wr.-Wülcker 506/35 Tabuerunt, dwinan.a1300Cursor M. 23695 Wit sere colurs; þat neuermar sal dime ne duine.c1350Will. Palerne 578 Sche dwined awaie boþe daies and niȝtes.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 34 [It] comeþ above þe erþe soone, but it dwyneþ anoon.1513Douglas æneis ix. vii. 149 Lyke as the purpour flour..Dwynis away, as it doith faid or de.a1598Rollock Sel. Wks. (Wodrow Soc.) II. 591 John's faith and Peter's zeal were languishing and dwining.a1605Montgomerie Misc. Poems xxii. 4 My hevy hairt, Quhilk daylie duyns, bot nevir dees.a1818Macneill Poet. Wks. (1844) 98 See how he's dwining wi' care.1825Brockett N.C. Gloss., Dwine, to pine, to be in a decline or consumption.1886Lady Verney in Gd. Words 181 Put the plant into a splendid..vase, in which it dwined and dwindled.1889Spectator 21 Dec., A race, which..must, to use a fine though half-forgotten word, begin to dwine away.
2. trans. To cause to pine or waste away. rare.
1597Montgomerie Cherrie & Slae 752 His deidly drouth; Quhilk pynis him, and dwynis him To deid.1894Crockett Raiders (ed. 3) 360, I will dwine your flesh on your bones.
Hence dwined ppl. a.; dwining vbl. n. and ppl. a.; also dwine n., decline, wane.
a1366Chaucer Rom. Rose 360 Drye and dwyned al for elde.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) II. 60 Ambrose..fell in ane dwinand seiknes.1583Stanyhurst æneis ii. (Arb.) 61 His old dwynd carcas.1718Wodrow Corr. (1843) II. 403 Our dwining, sinking condition.1820Blackw. Mag. June 280, I' the dwine o' the moon.1830Scott Demonol. ix. 289 For long dwining and ill heal.

