
单词 cassareep
释义 cassareep|ˈkæsəriːp|
Also casserepo, cassaripa, -ripe, -reb.
[Of Carib origin: Martius Gloss. Brésil 391, gives Galibi (Island Carib) cassiripó, ‘radix Manihot raspata’, cassirí, caxirí, cachirí, ‘potus e radice fermentata Manihot Aypi’ (the sweet manihot).]
‘The inspissated juice of the cassava, which is highly antiseptic, and forms the basis of the West Indian pepper-pot’ (Treas. Bot.).
1832Veg. Subst. Food 155 The juice of bitter cassava..boiled with meat and seasoned..forms a favourite soup, called by the Brazilians casserepo.1853Whateley in Life (1866) II. 290 The inspissated juice of the Cassava is called Cassaripa.1859All Y. Round No. 32. 125 Casareep..being also a powerful antiseptic.1882Standard 14 Dec. 5/3 The cassareb..the chief ingredient in the famous ‘pepper pot’.

