
单词 curbed
释义 I. curbed, ppl. a.1
Also courbed.
[f. curb v.1]
Bent, bowed, curved.
[c1430Lydg. Bochas i. xx. (1554) 36 b, Thing yt is courbyd or wrong..To make it seme as it went vpright.c1450Merlin 261 Longe and courbed, and brode sholderes and leene for age.]1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg., The lyuer..is of fygure as of the moone, curbed towarde the rybbes.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 678 (R.) By crooked and curbed lines.1646G. Daniel Poems Wks. 1878 I. 50 Her haire vndrest, Like Adders on her Curbed Shoulders falls.1691Ray Creation ii. (1704) 231 Though the Course of the Sun be curbed towards the Tropicks.
II. curbed, ppl. a.2|kɜːbd|
[f. curb n. and v.2]
1. Furnished with or having a curb.
1675Lond. Gaz. No. 975/4 An old curbed Bridle.1695Ibid. 3048/4 Kirb'd Bridle.1847Youatt Horse i. 10 The severe and often cruel curbed-bit.
b. curbed roof = curb-roof.
1866Intell. Observ. No. 57. 178 Zinc-work on the curbed roofs.
2. fig. Restrained, checked.
1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, iv. v. 131 The Fift Harry, from curb'd License pluckes The muzzle of restraint.1862Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. xi. 157 Stephen..owed his curbed authority to the constant rebellion of his Barons.

