
单词 insee
释义 inˈsee, v. Obs. rare.
[f. in-1 + see v. Cf. Goth. insaihwan to look upon, behold, MDu. insien, Du. inzien, Ger. einsehen, Sw. inse, Da. indsee. Prob. largely due to transl. of L. inspicĕre, intuērī, etc.]
1. trans. To look upon; to see.
c1315Shoreham 155 The merr[i]er hyt hys ine batayle, Thet insykth al the vomen [= foemen] faylle, And falle a-doun.
2. a. trans. To see into, have insight into. b. intr. To have insight (into).
1598R. Grenewey Tacitus' Ann. i. iii. (1622) 6 Deeply in⁓seeing into his lofty and bloudy disposition.1602Warner Alb. Eng. xiii. lxxvi. (1612) 316 But none The Vniforme diuersitie of heauens in-sees but One.

